Take back to your hand the Place cards from your discard pile OR copy the power of the place with the Creature token.
Lose 1 extra Will if caught by the Creature token.
Take back to your hand this Place card and 1 Place card from your discard pile.
Next turn, play 2 Place cards. Before revealing, choose one and return the second to your hand.
Place the Marker counter on the Beach OR remove it to move the Rescue counter forward 1 space.
(max 1x/turn)
Take from the reserve 1 Place card you do not own and add it to your hand.
Take back to your hand this Place card and 2 Place cards from your discard pile.
Draw 2 Survival cards, choose one and discard the second.
Move the Rescue counter forward 1 space.
(max 1x/turn)
The Hunted of your choice (you or another player) regains 1 Will OR you draw 1 Survival card.
Next turn, play 2 Place cards. Resolve both places. You may not copy the Artefact.
Force one Hunted to show you all but 2 Place cards from his hand.
Phase 2
Unan eus hor c'hoarierien lealañ oc'h !
A-drugarez da sikour e gumuniezh, BGA a c'hell bezañ implijet evit netra ha na c'houlenn ket re a arc'hant evit treiñ.
Bezit ezel hiziv !
Note: 3D is experimental
Va fartienn gentañ eo, setu ma'z eo doublet va amzer prederiañ
Trugarez evit skoazell ac'hanon !