C'hoari da fromage pe da 1045 c'hoari all enlinenn.
Pellgargañ ret ebet - c'hoariit war-eeun adalek ho merdeer.
Gant ho mignoned ha miliadoù c'hoarierien/ezed en hollved.
Evit netra.

Dear Riftforce players, most of you are waiting for the undo feature. I'm glad to annouce, that tomorrow evening (~19:00 Central Europe Time) I will release a new version which brings this feature. Why tomorrow evening and not directly now you may ask. Well in case of problems I will be able to respond and in case want to switch back to the old version. I did several test runs and all worked fine, so I'm confident that it will work (but will cross my fingers just in case). Just some additional information about the feature: - During the initial guild selection there will be no undo - Check and Draw is not undo-able (since you will draw cards) - Undo/restart of turn will bring you to the start of your turn (as long as no information were revealed, which can occur during activation of a Star-Elemental) - The card you select and discard for activation is visible in the game log for your opponent - After you click "End Turn" or did all acivations/play card you get two buttons: "Confirm Turn" or "Restart Turn" (by default the confirmation must be done manually, but there is a "Turn confirmation" preference to disable or set a timer) You might get the message, that "There is no restore point available, ..." if you open the game the first time after the deployment of the new version. The undo feature needs one full player turn to start working. Just keep playing, confirm the turn and check if it is your turn again. I will write a small notification here when the deployment is done, so stay tuned. That is all for now :)
Gwelet muioc'h

c'hoarierien wellañ ar bed
Deuit da vezañ kampion-ez
fromage a zeu