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Elfennoù grafek o vezañ karget (10%)
Taol #645700544
Taol #90
Araokadenn 33%


Diskwel roll-istor ar c'hoari
Diskouezh ar c'hlogor-titour

Dibaboù ar c'hoari

Mod c'hoari
Tizh ar bartienn
Ar c'hoari-mañ a zo bet hizivaet dibaoe deroù ar bartienn : ar replay a zo bremañ ARNODEL.



0 -612217251 eur Visitor-612


Diskwel roll-istor ar c'hoari
Diskouezh ar c'hlogor-titour

Dibaboù ar c'hoari

Mod c'hoari
Tizh ar bartienn

Note: 3D is experimental

Arvester ar bartienn-mañ ez oc'h
2 devezh
Diskouez ar reti
2 devezh
Diskouez ar reti
Arvesterien : Visitor-612217251
Reiñ (h)e dilez
Farm: Clauwens gets 1 cloth
Forest: Clauwens gets 1 food
3/27/2025 07:56 AM
Quarry: miguel33 gets 1 stone
Sawmill: Clauwens gets 1 wood
miguel33 chooses not to move the Provost
10:07 AM
Clauwens chooses not to move the Provost
3/26/2025 09:28 AM
miguel33 builds a Workshop and gets 3 points
miguel33 chooses a favor from line: buildings
Jousting Field: miguel33 buys a favor for one denier and one cloth
Trading post: Clauwens gets 3 denier
miguel33 places a worker on Peddler for 0 denier(s)
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
miguel33 passes
miguel33 places a worker on Marketplace for 1 denier(s)
07:59 PM
Clauwens is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
07:21 PM
miguel33 places a worker on Peddler for 1 denier(s)
02:18 PM
Clauwens places a worker on Castle for 1 denier(s)
01:43 PM
miguel33 places a worker on Gate for 1 denier(s)
01:29 PM
Clauwens places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
3/25/2025 12:34 PM
Clauwens gets 1 victory point: one of his building has been used
miguel33 places a worker on Mason for 1 denier(s)
11:42 AM
Clauwens places a worker on Sawmill for 1 denier(s)
07:56 AM
miguel33 places a worker on Jousting Field for 1 denier(s)
07:37 AM
Clauwens places a worker on Forest for 1 denier(s)
3/24/2025 07:20 AM
miguel33 places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
08:14 PM
Clauwens places a worker on Farm for 1 denier(s)
07:17 PM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
miguel33 chooses a wood to pay the building cost
miguel33 builds a Peddler and gets 4 points
miguel33 chooses a favor from line: buildings
miguel33 built 2 houses on Dungeon section and gains 1 favor(s)
The bailiff reaches a scoring space (Dungeon): scoring!
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves two spaces forward.
miguel33 chooses a wood to pay the building cost
miguel33 builds a Marketplace and gets 4 points
miguel33 chooses a favor from line: buildings
miguel33 built the most houses and gains 1 favor
miguel33 builds a part of the castle (Dungeon) for 1 food, 1 wood and 1 stone and gets 5 points
Farm: miguel33 gets 1 cloth
10:42 AM
Forest: Clauwens gets 1 food
3/23/2025 09:08 AM
Quarry: Clauwens gets 1 stone
Sawmill: miguel33 gets 1 wood
miguel33 moves the provost 1 space(s) for 1 denier(s)
12:52 PM
Clauwens chooses not to move the Provost
Clauwens builds a Mason and gets 4 points
10:54 AM
Clauwens chooses a favor from line: buildings
Jousting Field: Clauwens buys a favor for one denier and one cloth
3/21/2025 10:52 AM
Trading post: miguel33 gets 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
miguel33 passes
10:30 AM
Clauwens is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
3/20/2025 08:51 AM
miguel33 places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
04:31 PM
Clauwens places a worker on Jousting Field for 1 denier(s)
03:10 PM
miguel33 places a worker on Sawmill for 1 denier(s)
03:02 PM
Clauwens places a worker on Forest for 1 denier(s)
02:45 PM
miguel33 places a worker on Castle for 1 denier(s)
02:12 PM
Clauwens places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
11:57 AM
miguel33 places a worker on Farm for 1 denier(s)
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
miguel33 chooses a favor from line: buildings
miguel33 built the most houses and gains 1 favor
miguel33 builds a part of the castle (Dungeon) for 1 food, 1 wood and 1 stone and gets 5 points
11:56 AM
Farm: Clauwens gets 1 cloth
11:55 AM
Forest: miguel33 gets 1 food
Quarry: Clauwens gets 1 stone
Sawmill: miguel33 gets 1 wood
miguel33 chooses not to move the Provost
11:54 AM
Clauwens chooses not to move the Provost
Trading post: Clauwens gets 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
miguel33 passes
Clauwens is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
11:47 AM
miguel33 places a worker on Castle for 1 denier(s)
11:46 AM
Clauwens places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
miguel33 places a worker on Sawmill for 1 denier(s)
11:45 AM
Clauwens places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
10:44 AM
miguel33 places a worker on Forest for 1 denier(s)
10:24 AM
Clauwens places a worker on Farm for 1 denier(s)
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
Quarry: miguel33 gets 1 stone
Sawmill: Clauwens gets 1 wood
Clauwens chooses not to move the Provost
08:22 AM
miguel33 chooses not to move the Provost
01:25 AM
Trading post: Clauwens gets 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
Clauwens passes
Clauwens places a worker on Trading post for 3 denier(s)
3/19/2025 12:24 AM
miguel33 is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
07:00 PM
Clauwens places a worker on Sawmill for 1 denier(s)
06:33 PM
miguel33 places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
06:30 PM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
Clauwens chooses a favor from line: buildings
Clauwens built the most houses and gains 1 favor
Clauwens builds a part of the castle (Dungeon) for 1 food, 1 wood and 1 stone and gets 5 points
05:45 PM
Forest: miguel33 gets 1 food
04:25 PM
Quarry: Clauwens gets 1 stone
Sawmill: miguel33 gets 1 wood
Clauwens chooses not to move the Provost
04:12 PM
miguel33 chooses not to move the Provost
04:11 PM
Trading post: Clauwens gets 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
Clauwens passes
03:51 PM
miguel33 is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
03:24 PM
Clauwens places a worker on Castle for 1 denier(s)
03:22 PM
miguel33 places a worker on Sawmill for 1 denier(s)
03:19 PM
Clauwens places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
03:18 PM
miguel33 places a worker on Forest for 1 denier(s)
Clauwens places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
Forest: Clauwens gets 1 food
Quarry: miguel33 gets 1 stone
Sawmill: Clauwens gets 1 wood
Clauwens chooses not to move the Provost
03:17 PM
miguel33 chooses not to move the Provost
Trading post: miguel33 gets 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
Clauwens passes
miguel33 is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
Clauwens places a worker on Forest for 1 denier(s)
03:16 PM
miguel33 places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
03:15 PM
Clauwens places a worker on Sawmill for 1 denier(s)
03:12 PM
miguel33 places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
03:11 PM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
Color of Clauwens has been chosen according to his/her preferences. Cheñch ma dibaboù.
3/18/2025 02:12 PM
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