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Elfennoù grafek o vezañ karget (10%)
Taol #645976151
Taol #97
Araokadenn 30%


Diskwel roll-istor ar c'hoari
Diskouezh ar c'hlogor-titour

Dibaboù ar c'hoari

Mod c'hoari
Tizh ar bartienn
Game designer expert variant
Who will play the Creature?
Ar c'hoari-mañ a zo bet hizivaet dibaoe deroù ar bartienn : ar replay a zo bremañ ARNODEL.


The Lair

Take back to your hand the Place cards from your discard pile OR copy the power of the place with the Creature token.

Lose 1 extra Will if caught by the Creature token.

The Jungle

Take back to your hand this Place card and 1 Place card from your discard pile.

The River

Next turn, play 2 Place cards. Before revealing, choose one and return the second to your hand.

The Beach

Place the Marker counter on the Beach OR remove it to move the Rescue counter forward 1 space.

(max 1x/turn)

The Rover

Take from the reserve 1 Place card you do not own and add it to your hand.

The Swamp

Take back to your hand this Place card and 2 Place cards from your discard pile.


The Shelter

Draw 2 Survival cards, choose one and discard the second.


The Wreck

Move the Rescue counter forward 1 space.

(max 1x/turn)


The Source

The Hunted of your choice (you or another player) regains 1 Will OR you draw 1 Survival card.


The Artefact

Next turn, play 2 Place cards. Resolve both places. You may not copy the Artefact.






Ongoing effects


No Survival cards may be played or drawn for the remainder of the turn.

Phase 1

Discarded Hunt and Survival cards


In addition to its effects, the Artemia token inflicts the loss of 1 Will.

Phase 2


Force one Hunted to discard all but 2 Place cards from his hand.

Phase 2

Force Field

Before the Hunted play, target 2 adjacent places. Neither may be played this turn.

Phase 1


The powers of the Beach and the Wreck are ineffective.

Phase 2


Each Hunted on the targeted place discards 1 Survival card. The power of the place is ineffective.

Phase 2


No Survival cards may be played or drawn for the remainder of the turn.

Phase 1


Instead of using the power of your Place card, copy the power of an adjacent place.

Phase 3


Avoid the effects of the Creature token.

Phase 3


Instead of using the power of your Place card, copy the power of the Rover.

Phase 3


Place the Marker counter on the Beach.

Phase 1



0 -465894234 eur Visitor-465


Diskwel roll-istor ar c'hoari
Diskouezh ar c'hlogor-titour

Dibaboù ar c'hoari

Mod c'hoari
Tizh ar bartienn
Game designer expert variant
Who will play the Creature?

Note: 3D is experimental

Arvester ar bartienn-mañ ez oc'h
2 devezh
Diskouez ar reti
4 0
2 devezh
Diskouez ar reti

Va fartienn gentañ eo, setu ma'z eo doublet va amzer prederiañ
Trugarez evit skoazell ac'hanon !

2 12 11
2 devezh
Diskouez ar reti
2 0
6 devezh
Diskouez ar reti
3 0
2 devezh
Diskouez ar reti
2 0
Arvesterien : Visitor-465894234
Reiñ (h)e dilez
jhact reveals The Swamp.
Lecaro reveals The Wreck.
Evicts reveals The Source.
NormalMan42 reveals The Shelter.
3/27/2025 06:21 AM
soyo_okaze puts the Artemia token on The Wreck.
soyo_okaze puts the Creature token on The Jungle.
10:07 PM
jhact uses The River and plays 2 Place cards.
Lecaro plays one Place card.
Evicts plays one Place card.
NormalMan42 plays one Place card.
03:50 PM
soyo_okaze plays Despair.
12:43 PM
End of turn: the Rescue counter moves forward 1 space.
soyo_okaze draws Hunt cards up to a hand of 3.
The Assimilation counter moves forward because at least one Hunted player got caught by the Creature!
Lecaro got caught by the Creature in The Lair and loses 2 Will.
jhact uses The River.
3/26/2025 10:04 AM
Evicts places the Marker counter on The Beach.
03:49 PM
NormalMan42 uses The Rover to take The Shelter from the reserve.
03:47 PM
jhact reveals The River.
Lecaro reveals The Lair.
Evicts reveals The Beach.
NormalMan42 reveals The Rover.
01:46 PM
soyo_okaze puts the Target token on The Jungle.
soyo_okaze plays Toxin.
soyo_okaze puts the Creature token on The Lair.
01:02 PM
jhact plays one Place card.
Lecaro plays one Place card.
Evicts plays one Place card.
NormalMan42 uses The River and plays 2 Place cards.
12:21 PM
End of turn: the Rescue counter moves forward 1 space.
soyo_okaze draws Hunt cards up to a hand of 3.
jhact takes back The River from its discard.
jhact takes back The Beach from its discard.
jhact takes back The Swamp using its power.
3/25/2025 07:04 AM
Lecaro takes back The Wreck from its discard.
Lecaro takes back The Jungle using its power.
09:55 PM
Evicts takes back The Rover from its discard.
Evicts takes back The Jungle using its power.
09:54 PM
NormalMan42 uses The River.
09:50 PM
jhact reveals The Swamp.
Lecaro reveals The Jungle.
Evicts reveals The Jungle.
NormalMan42 reveals The River.
soyo_okaze puts the Creature token on The Beach.
09:09 PM
soyo_okaze puts the Artemia token on The Lair.
09:08 PM
soyo_okaze plays Interference.
09:07 PM
jhact plays one Place card.
Lecaro plays one Place card.
Evicts plays one Place card.
NormalMan42 plays one Place card.
01:07 PM
End of turn: the Rescue counter moves forward 1 space.
soyo_okaze draws Hunt cards up to a hand of 3.
jhact takes back The Rover from its discard.
jhact takes back The Jungle using its power.
09:39 AM
Lecaro uses The Wreck to move the Rescue counter forward 1 space.
07:46 AM
Evicts uses The Rover to take The Source from the reserve.
3/24/2025 12:20 AM
NormalMan42 removes the Marker counter from The Beach and moves the Rescue counter forward 1 space.
09:27 PM
jhact reveals The Jungle.
Lecaro reveals The Wreck.
Evicts reveals The Rover.
NormalMan42 reveals The Beach.
3/23/2025 08:56 PM
soyo_okaze puts the Creature token on The River.
11:12 PM
Evicts a implij ur joker vakañsoù (+4 a zevezhioù evit prederiañ)
10:31 PM
jhact plays one Place card.
Lecaro uses The River and plays 2 Place cards.
Evicts plays one Place card.
NormalMan42 plays one Place card.
08:53 PM
soyo_okaze puts the Target token between The Lair and The Swamp.
01:07 PM
soyo_okaze plays Force Field.
01:05 PM
NormalMan42 places the Marker counter on the Beach.
NormalMan42 plays Ingenuity.
End of turn: the Rescue counter moves forward 1 space.
soyo_okaze draws Hunt cards up to a hand of 3.
12:19 PM
The Assimilation counter moves forward because at least one Hunted player lost its third Will counter during Reckoning phase!
NormalMan42 takes back 3 Will counters and all its places after losing its last Will.
The Assimilation counter moves forward because at least one Hunted player got caught by the Creature!
NormalMan42 got caught by the Creature in The Lair and loses 2 Will.
jhact uses The Rover to take The Swamp from the reserve.
06:32 AM
jhact plays Drone.
3/22/2025 06:31 AM
Lecaro uses The River.
11:08 PM
Evicts uses The Lair to take back all its places from its discard.
07:04 PM
Evicts plays Dodge.
05:30 PM
jhact reveals The River.
Lecaro reveals The River.
Evicts reveals The Lair.
NormalMan42 reveals The Lair.
05:23 PM
soyo_okaze puts the Creature token on The Lair.
06:58 AM
jhact discards The Rover.
jhact discards The Beach.
3/21/2025 05:51 AM
soyo_okaze plays Ascendancy.
jhact plays one Place card.
Lecaro plays one Place card.
Evicts plays one Place card.
NormalMan42 plays one Place card.
11:48 PM
End of turn: the Rescue counter moves forward 1 space.
soyo_okaze draws Hunt cards up to a hand of 3.
06:55 PM
NormalMan42 discards The Jungle.
06:28 PM
Evicts discards The Rover.
05:42 PM
Due to Mutation, Evicts loses 1 Will.
Due to Mutation, NormalMan42 loses 1 Will.
jhact takes back The Jungle using its power.
05:41 PM
Lecaro uses The Rover to take The Wreck from the reserve.
Lecaro uses Gate to copy The Rover.
Lecaro plays Gate.
05:00 PM
jhact reveals The Jungle.
Lecaro reveals The Beach.
Evicts reveals The River.
NormalMan42 reveals The River.
03:40 PM
soyo_okaze puts the Artemia token on The River.
11:59 AM
soyo_okaze plays Mutation.
soyo_okaze puts the Creature token on The Rover.
11:57 AM
jhact plays one Place card.
Lecaro plays one Place card.
Evicts plays one Place card.
NormalMan42 plays one Place card.
3/20/2025 09:57 AM
Livioù soyo_okaze, Evicts, Lecaro a zo bet dibabet diouzh o c'hoantoù. Cheñch ma dibaboù.
3/19/2025 08:21 PM
Ha gouzout a rit ?
Kavet ho peus ur bog ? Ditourit anezhañ da sistem ditouriñ bogoù BGA mar-plij, gant un diskrivadur, hag ur skrammskeudenn m'eo posupl. Trugarez.