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Elfennoù grafek o vezañ karget (10%)
Taol #645227586
Taol #68
Araokadenn 25%


Diskwel roll-istor ar c'hoari
Diskouezh ar c'hlogor-titour

Dibaboù ar c'hoari

Mod c'hoari
Tizh ar bartienn
Exploration variant
Secret missions variant
UFO Variant
Ar c'hoari-mañ a zo bet hizivaet dibaoe deroù ar bartienn : ar replay a zo bremañ ARNODEL.


Expedition details



0 -1064924791 eur Visitor-106


Diskwel roll-istor ar c'hoari
Diskouezh ar c'hlogor-titour

Dibaboù ar c'hoari

Mod c'hoari
Tizh ar bartienn
Exploration variant
Secret missions variant
UFO Variant

Note: 3D is experimental

Arvester ar bartienn-mañ ez oc'h
2 devezh
Diskouez ar reti
2 devezh
Diskouez ar reti

Va fartienn gentañ eo, setu ma'z eo doublet va amzer prederiañ
Trugarez evit skoazell ac'hanon !

2 devezh
Diskouez ar reti

Va fartienn gentañ eo, setu ma'z eo doublet va amzer prederiañ
Trugarez evit skoazell ac'hanon !

2 devezh
Diskouez ar reti
Arvesterien : Visitor-1064924791
Reiñ (h)e dilez
Commander disembarked, new commander for the rest of the expedition is Mirkete
Dastardlydog disembarked on P2
3/25/2025 06:22 PM
Commander disembarked, new commander for the rest of the expedition is Dastardlydog
Vistathon disembarked on P2
Commander Vistathon used
for the travel to 15
Commander Vistathon rolled
10:22 PM
Mirkete passed
04:10 PM
Dastardlydog passed
04:08 PM
Vistathon passed
01:34 PM
Commander disembarked, new commander for the rest of the expedition is Vistathon
Jones_ disembarked on M3 and scored 2
11:25 AM
Commander Jones_ used
for the travel to 13
Commander Jones_ rolled
11:24 AM
Mirkete passed
3/24/2025 07:32 AM
Dastardlydog passed
08:44 PM
Vistathon passed
07:51 PM
Jones_ passed
Commander Jones_ used
for the travel to 9
Commander Jones_ rolled
07:41 PM
Mirkete passed
07:37 PM
Dastardlydog passed
05:00 AM
Vistathon passed
3/23/2025 12:20 AM
Jones_ passed
Commander Jones_ used
for the travel to 8
Commander Jones_ rolled
08:05 PM
Mirkete passed
07:44 PM
Dastardlydog passed
07:32 PM
Vistathon passed
12:10 PM
Jones_ passed
Commander Jones_ used
for the travel to 7
11:16 AM
Commander Jones_ rolled
11:15 AM
The rocket will start from position 3
Mirkete choose
for the expedition
3/22/2025 10:28 AM
Dastardlydog choose
for the expedition
08:11 PM
Vistathon choose
for the expedition
10:13 AM
Jones_ choose
for the expedition
3/21/2025 12:15 AM
New expedition starts under commandement of Jones_
Expedition ended with a crash on 7
Vistathon passed
10:17 PM
The rocket is about to crash, but some astronauts still can escape!
Commander Mirkete rolled
07:44 PM
Dastardlydog passed
05:48 PM
Vistathon passed
02:38 PM
Jones_ disembarked on P0
12:04 PM
Mirkete passed
07:45 AM
Commander Mirkete used
for the travel to 7
07:44 AM
Commander Mirkete rolled
3/20/2025 05:47 AM
Dastardlydog passed
11:06 PM
Vistathon passed
10:45 PM
Jones_ passed
04:08 PM
Mirkete passed
03:52 PM
Commander Mirkete used
for the travel to 6
Commander Mirkete rolled
The rocket will start from position 0
Dastardlydog choose
for the expedition
03:51 PM
Vistathon choose
for the expedition
03:37 PM
Jones_ choose
for the expedition
12:04 PM
Mirkete choose
for the expedition
3/19/2025 06:53 AM
New expedition starts under commandement of Mirkete
Expedition ended with a crash on 12
Commander Dastardlydog rolled
11:07 PM
Vistathon passed
10:09 PM
Jones_ passed
12:24 PM
Mirkete passed
06:54 AM
Dastardlydog passed
Commander Dastardlydog used
for the travel to 12
Commander Dastardlydog rolled
Commander Dastardlydog used
for the travel to 4
Commander Dastardlydog rolled
Commander Dastardlydog used
for the travel to 3
Commander Dastardlydog rolled
Commander Dastardlydog used
for the travel to 1
Commander Dastardlydog rolled
3/18/2025 06:53 AM
The rocket will start from position 0
Vistathon choose
for the expedition
10:02 PM
Jones_ choose
for the expedition
02:11 PM
Mirkete choose
for the expedition
01:53 PM
Dastardlydog choose
for the expedition
01:42 PM
New expedition starts under commandement of Dastardlydog
Color of Mirkete has been chosen according to his/her preferences. Cheñch ma dibaboù.
3/17/2025 01:20 PM
Ha gouzout a rit ?
Ma seblant bout ar c'hoari e c'hellit adkargañ ar bajenn web-mañ pe pouezañ war F5.