DiceCrone gets 1 victory point: one of his building has been used
A P T E R Y X places a worker on Farm for 1 denier(s)
3/20/2025 12:17 AM
DiceCrone places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
11:42 PM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
A P T E R Y X gets 1 victory point with a favor
A P T E R Y X chooses a favor from line: victory points
05:59 PM
A P T E R Y X built the most houses and gains 1 favor
vlmoorshead builds a part of the castle (Dungeon) for 1 food, 1 wood and 1 cloth and gets 5 points
3/19/2025 10:34 AM
A P T E R Y X builds a part of the castle (Dungeon) for 1 food, 1 wood and 1 stone and gets 5 points
11:41 PM
Quarry: A P T E R Y X gets 1 stone
Sawmill: vlmoorshead gets 1 wood
Farm: vlmoorshead gets 1 cloth
11:19 PM
Forest: DiceCrone gets 1 wood
DiceCrone builds a Farm and gets 2 points
DiceCrone chooses not to move the Provost
10:09 PM
vlmoorshead chooses not to move the Provost
09:25 PM
A P T E R Y X chooses not to move the Provost
09:24 PM
Stables: DiceCrone is now first player
Trading post: A P T E R Y X gets 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
vlmoorshead passes
07:32 PM
A P T E R Y X is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
07:31 PM
DiceCrone places a worker on Carpenter for 1 denier(s)
07:29 PM
vlmoorshead places a worker on Castle for 1 denier(s)
3/18/2025 10:48 AM
A P T E R Y X places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
11:58 PM
DiceCrone places a worker on Stables for 1 denier(s)
11:28 PM
vlmoorshead places a worker on Sawmill for 1 denier(s)
10:12 PM
A P T E R Y X places a worker on Castle for 1 denier(s)
09:03 PM
DiceCrone places a worker on Forest for 1 denier(s)
07:51 PM
vlmoorshead places a worker on Farm for 1 denier(s)
06:46 PM
A P T E R Y X places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
06:42 PM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
Rematch with the exact same players detected: starting player has been rotated.
A P T E R Y X,
DiceCrone a zo bet dibabet diouzh o c'hoantoù.
Cheñch ma dibaboù.3/17/2025 05:14 PM
Ha gouzout a rit ?
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