Donemat deoc'h e-barzh Board Game Arena !
Kemerit perzh e brasañ taol-c'hoari ar bed.
Pellgargañ ret ebet - c'hoariit war-eeun adalek ho merdeer.
Gant ho mignoned ha miliadoù c'hoarierien/ezed en hollved.
Evit netra.
11 262 000 enebour da gejañ ganto e 993 c'hoari.
Digoust. Bremañ.
C'hoari adalek ho merdeer web - ouzh ho holl ardivinkoù.
PC / Mac, tablezennoù iOS ha Android, poellgomzerioù, Wii U, Playstation, Xbox One,...
C'hoariit a-enep tud d'eus ar bed a-bezh
Digoust !
7 950 000 partienn c'hoariet bep miz
Hegerz e 42 yezh ha 200 bro.
Kemerit ho amzer evit c'hoari.
War ar prim pe tro-ha-tro.
Da vare ehan kreisteiz ? E-kerzh treuzdougen ?
Trankil ba'r gêr ?
Hoc'h-unan pe gant ho mignoned ?
Deraoud pe Mailh ?
Dizoloit ha mestroniit.
Deskiñ c'hoarioù nevez pe gwellaat ho parregezhioù er c'hoarioù a blij deoc'h ar muiañ, ha kement se diouzh ho tizh.
Daeadennoù nevez a faot deoc'h ?
En em gavit e partiennoù renket a c'haredon ar c'hoarierien wellañ ha stagit gant daeoù nevez !
Arnodit !
Fiñval ar gartenn en takad dieub. Ken simpl ha se eo
Brav !
C'hoarioù bras evidoc'h 'metken !
Gwellañ c'hoarioù dec'h hag hiziv, azasaet evit c'hoari enlinenn.
Carcassonne, Coloretto, kahuna, alhambra, lostcities, raceforthegalaxy, Can't Stop, stoneage, puertorico, Amyitis, haggis, tobago, unclechestnuttablegype, troyes, diams, hawaii, dragonheart, saboteur, chinagold, intheyearofthedragon, Color Pop, gomoku, caylus, seasons, unitedsquare, gyges, jaipur, theboss, reversi, hearts
Gwelet tout
takenoko, niagara, quarto, k2, northwestpassage, quoridor, tournay, Battle Sheep, Yahtzee, cinco, backgammon, senet, machiavelli, libertalia, neutreeko, dudo, nautilus, koikoi, pi, pylos, elfenland, djambi, gearnpiston, kabaleo, targi, thermopyles, isaac, checkers, sobek, hive, tzolkin, chess, spyrium, tokaido, timemasters, armadora, thejellymonsterlab, hex, 6 a bak !, twintinbots, kalah, throughtheages, eightmastersrevenge, koryo, Hanabi, polis, tashkalar, quantum, assyria, carrara, florenzacardgame, lox, noirkvi, coltexpress, metromaniab, darkagent, ledernierpeuple, bombay, battleoflits, xiangqi, keyflower, logger, dungeontwister, evogamenoname, aknile, fourcolorcards, madeira, Love Letter, crazyfarmers, hacktrick, jumpgate, belote, ohhell, dragonline, kqj, An Ijinerien, akeruption, celestia, nippon, classicgo, rememberwhen, bubbleepop, caribbeanallfours, secretmoon, russianrailroads, Nine Men's Morris, tablut, Lines of Action, incangold, alveole, takaraisland, lewisclark, stirfryeighteen, thebuilders, gaia, veggiegarden, outlaws, coupcitystate, battleforhill, battleship, origin, innovation, rollforthegalaxy, icecoldicehockey, khronos, terramystica, solo, dragonkeeper, signorie, krosmasterarena, taluva, hypnosia, diceforge, frenchtarot, guildes, eminentdomain, sevenwonders, buttons, briscola, ruhr, thebuildersantiquity, pennypress, blooms, pontedeldiavolo, toc, notalone, clansofcaledonia, throughtheagesnewstory, werewolves, forsale, kingsguild, kingdomino, circleoflife, dragoncastle, saintpoker, palace, skat, lagranja, gorami, nxs, sapiens, mammalath, finity, yokohama, redsevengame, ginkgopolis, Sushi Go!, explorationwarzone, veletas, ninetynine, teotihuacan, marram, potionexplosion, papayoo, rallymangt, yokai, consonar, bobail, bigtimesoccer, Pevar Enlinenn, marrakech, toeshambo, hungariantarokk, coinche, whisttwentytwo, teatime, cityofthebigshoulders, president, downforce, santorini, barbu, kulami, dingosdreams, marcopolo, ninetynineaddition, luckynumbers, roomtwentyfive, bandido, cubirds, smallislands, flamingpyramids, cribbage, soluna, unconditionalsurrender, butterfly, klaverjassen, connectsix, turnthetide, trekkingtheworld, offtherails, forbiddenisland, kingdombuilder, yinyang, saintpetersburg, chakra, kami, fistfulofgold, krosmasterblast, steamworks, quantik, mrjack, tichu, thurnandtaxis, martiandice, cacao, spades, geekoutmasters, pinochle, solarstorm, fleet, illustori, quetzal, thecrew, ageofinnovation, biyi, marcopolotwo, dungeonroll, ohseven, boomerangaustralia, dicesummoners, luxor, piratenkapern, pedro, handandfoot, meadow, viamagica, grosstarock, sevenwondersduel, welcometonewlasvegas, automobiles, nangaparbat, emdomicrocosm, solowhist, crimezoom, lettertycoon, mapmaker, concept, carcassonnehuntersandgatherers, haiclue, thrive, justdesserts, mijnlieff, dungeonpetz, phat, carnegie, dinosaurteaparty, caravan, elgrande, rage, balloonpop, schroedingerscats, herooj, one, nothanks, welcometo, grandbazaar, liverpoolrummy, squadro, myfirstcastlepanic, blueskies, resarcana, draftosaurus, bids, dragonwood, thirteenclues, homesteaders, jekyllvshide, rolledwest, murusgallicus, restinpeace, bang, dicehospital, zener, wizard, theninedomains, veronatwist, oriflamme, trickoftherails, texasholdem, lineae, herrlof, abyss, fluxx, quinque, medina, tranquility, vultureculture, parisconnection, chicagoexpress, hoarders, onceuponaforest, getthemacguffin, sheepboombah, senshi, detectivepoker, hardback, sparts, baolakiswahili, abalone, superfantasybrawl, blaze, queenskings, calypso, escapefromthehiddencastle, onitama, nidavellir, skull, railroadink, nainjaune, uptown, gonutsfordonuts, penaltychallenge, beyondthesun, pingimus, arnak, pandemic, viticulture, codexnaturalis, conspiracy, paniclab, mattock, castlesofburgundy, forex, monsterfactory, thatslife, splendor, iwari, chinesecheckers, sevens, happycity, gopher, bug, lama, sobektwoplayers, crazyeights, cloudcity, trektwelve, goldwest, fifteendays, burglebros, egocentricworld, durak, newfrontiers, epizodiak, linkage, troyesdice, patchwork, boomerangeurope, boomerangusa, spiritsoftheforest, coinage, cardiceo, abandonallartichokes, chocolatefactory, spacebase, kingofthepitch, agricola, heroesofhellas, greatwesterntrail, canosa, faifo, troggu, talon, starfluxx, kingoftokyo, riftforce, guile, factum, lostexplorers, railwaysoftheworld, tapestry, mascarade, dodo, pyramidpoker, throneandthegrail, dicedtomatoes, minnesotawhist, evl, bossquest, nicodemus, sensei, azul, dobble, artdecko, castlesofcaleira, stella, riichimahjong, simplicity, clashofdecks, mercadodelisboaste, similo, numberdrop, century, deus, feastforodin, thecrewdeepsea, almadi, cantstopexpress, ultimaterailroads, buyword, spaceempires, scopa, ladyandthetiger, theisleofcats, imhotep, gaiaproject, steamrollers, glow, mue, ladyschoice, pente, silo, citadels, zola, chromino, kmakici, bigmonster, samarkand, livingforest, imtheboss, tumbleweed, zooloretto, shiftingstones, homeworlds, bahamataxi, pyrgos, lasvegan, sevenwondersarchitects, bloodrage, chimerastation, locomomo, trusis, themotherroad, rainbow, morocco, tinyfarms, icebreaker, fruitpicking, tigriseuphrates, yaniv, justone, littlefactory, worldwidetennis, catan, twinpalms, tickettoride, scriptoria, narabi, tucano, vektorace, crusadersthywillbedone, copenhagen, commanderchess, piereighteen, arcticscavengers, vegetables, noah, minhwatu, hydroracers, trellis, roppyakken, memoir, sushigoparty, farmclub, iceandthesky, krakenup, fairytrails, robotsateourpizza, heckinhounds, splito, tinnerstrail, nextstation, rive, hoola, getonboard, oust, betta, cephalopod, coupell, rollingpins, kingdoms, barenpark, breakthecode, seikatsu, redstone, babydinosaurrescue, dragonbridge, jumpdrive, soulaween, itsawonderfulworld, draftcider, fractal, yokaiseptet, dicethemepark, evergreen, strands, gangsta, gardennation, barrage, pugsinmugs, spacestationphoenix, regicide, regidice, lifeline, mow, dinnerinparis, ekonos, yoxii, tictacmatch, dotsandboxes, warchest, lamarcheducrabe, rollandbump, konane, raubbau, goodcopbadcop, tinyepicdefenders, novaluna, laserreflection, seasaltpaper, gofish, ghostathome, wingspan, hadron, impasse, greatsplit, tienlen, obsession, quintus, artthief, tinyturbocars, megalomania, herd, myshelfie, lookatthestars, dronesvsseagulls, meridians, streets, villagers, capereurope, gangofdice, mycity, blackjack, diablo, caverna, tranquilitytheascent, dontgointhere, metro, supermegaluckybox, gizmos, microdojo, thegnomesofzavandor, tiwanaku, catcafe, perikles, dicehospitaler, vidrasso, rallymandirt, challengers, seotda, flume, bandada, noneshallpass, hokito, cosmosempires, sasaki, vaalbara, cubosaurs, coins, painttheroses, mechadream, eriantys, riftvalleyreserve, lostseas, fightthelandlord, lumen, lielow, rauha, ageofcivilization, modten, setup, earth, zefiria, turncoats, sixtyone, nylonppong, splashdown, photosynthesis, diceathlon, anachrony, mapsofmisterra, bamboozle, twentyfourseven, gogoa, thefoxintheforest, triatri, ultimatetictactoe, shogun, giftoftulips, astra, tuned, colorflush, rollintotown, tanghulu, rainforest, boop, applejack, aves, arknova, spots, stockpile, reflectionsinthelookingglass, nextstationtokyo, architectsofthewestkingdom, bunnykingdom, rolltothetopjourneys, trio, doglover, blockarena, hadara, legendraiders, oasis, qawale, ticketgagnant, okanagan, exitstrategy, thegreatamericanfoxhunt, spiteandmalice, lineit, bigtwo, volto, akropolis, hanamikoji, allin, decrypto, pocketcats, evolution, getonboardparisrome, sakura, mindup, thirtyone, golf, mia, pokerdice, thenumber, sagani, farkle, empireplateau, divercite, cucco, digupadventure, elawa, afterus, knockoutwhist, expeditions, cucumber, skatelegend, fika, daybreak, ontour, crypt, knarr, isleoftrainsallaboard, turingmachine, trike, germanwhist, sergeantmajor, starshipmerchants, toepen, ageofchampagne, pook, mighty, envelopesofcash, sahwari, tortugasixteensixtyseven, openfacechinesepoker, divideetimpera, colorado, hadrianswall, timelinetwist, dobbleconnect, goldblivion, rummy, wastelandia, quibbles, nap, twotenjack, vault, perfectwords, twelvechips, canvas, ecarte, schnapsen, kingsinthecorner, cairn, euchre, wizardsgrimoire, neom, forestshuffle, nowboarding, terranova, stupormundi, zuuli, draculahelsing, humanity, bagofchips, praga, ancientknowledge, amalfi, paxpamir, ginrummy, xxung, botanik, thattimeyoukilledme, quirkyquarks, oneohone, piepmatz, mycityrb, moonriver, newyorkzoo, faraway, ynarosfallin, dvonn, letscatchthelion, fortytwo, heat, threethousandscoundrels, orionduel, dogpark, skyteam, tholos, oxono, mastersofrenaissance, linx, mutantcrops, framework, planetunknown, thewaytojuliet, biomos, shogi, donuts, caboodle, tickettorideeurope, thewolves, romirami, splendorduel, maracaibo, eightyeight, dominoes, inverteddice, vaultdenofthieves, altered, paxrenaissance, azulsummerpavilion, wonderfulkingdom, pond, gosux, captainflip, flipfreighters, hens, terraformingmars, unrest, federation, grumblestone, foreverhome, openseason, undergrove, leroydesribauds, valeofeternity, flowers, boreal, wordtraveler, theshipwreckarcana, explodingkittens, mandala, treos, cannonades, pixies, hiddenleaders, mojo, nimalia, solstis, mythicbattlesragnarok, mlem, alakablast, trailblazers, looot, cheeztricks, goblinhood, quattuorreges, glassroad, battlespiritssaga, spellbook, minirogue, fourgardens, mate, eck, rivervalleyglassworks, goldncrash, ludo, quartermastergeneraleastfront, thebrambles, aurum, flowersmandalagame, hund, auntiemildred, coalbaron, quato, draftandwriterecords, nachopile, grund, chemicaloverload, maatatahay, sevenknightsbewitched, dobro, cradletograve, gostop, amazonas, stonks, fromage, roadtothreehoundred, micromidgard, sherlockthirteen, newton, crisps, thefoxintheforestduet, fivethreefive, tikal, distilled, highseason, bacon, catinthebox, khiva, tapas, golems, smallworld, forks, greasyspoon, dickory, metz, festivibes, nextstationparis, riverofgold, danceofmuses, cartographers, takenokolor, scythe, circleoflifesavannah, megajackpot, harmonies, slide, enemyanemone, fibonachos, springcleaning, lunar, golfie, lure, zookeepers, dicycards, pescadonovo, claim, thelast, pathofcivilization, castlecombo, onda, resolve, middleages, festival, finca, qango, ratjack, belladonebluff, parklife, cookieaddict, dinogenics, canasta, expressions, aniversus, powervacuum, diamonds, batalladecoronas, strawberrysunset, blot, zenith, mountaingoats, agestofrobinhood, insidejob, harvest, norsemen, cosmoctopus, sail, personanongrata, gnomehollow, tulipandrose, bonsai, capybarancapybara, odicey, botanicus, grovesolitaire, forage, nanatoridori, orchard, cairocorridor, odin, inori, gammelogic, lepidoptery, fornorthwood, naishi, bauer, orleans, fivetribes, arctic, darwinsjourney, dungeonrummy, kiriaitheduel, eternitium, theyellowhouse, girafferaffe, kamon, duckcover, karvi, umbrella, letsgotojapan, safariwitness, revive, ekko, gemsofiridescia, survive, potionsofazerland, kado, rumbleplanet, mexica, knister, stalkexchange, theittybittycardgame, superstore, refuge, pentaquest, bunnyboom, beerbread, resist, pyramidoft, splitter, pacifica, stonespinearchitects, dedale, architectsofamytis, pandaspin, ratsofwistar, quartzdice, deadcells, ninjan, choconnect, quadratacanada, theguildofmerchantexplorers, nibble, mindcycling, dicedveggies, piratesofmaracaibo, twinkletwinkle, pioneerdaysproject, shutthebox
You play the games in your browser which is great.
App news
Jan 2016
Very popular with the online board gaming community.
Chaz Marler
Dec 2016
BGA has digital board games you won't find anywhere else.
Dave Neumann
Jan 2016
Drei Klicks zum Spielstart.
Jan Drewitz
2014 - Fairplay #9
Allez vous entrainer sur BGA, et foutre la patée à tous vos potes.
Dr Mops
TTtv BGA de l`interview
Mont en Arena. Bremañ.
Kemerit perzh e brasañ taol-c'hoari ar bed.
Board Game Arena a zo brasañ servij c'hoarioù-roll en-linenn ar bed.
More than 11 million opponents to challenge on 993 famous board games.
Deuit da c'hoari da Carcassonne, Coloretto, kahuna, alhambra, lostcities, raceforthegalaxy, ha kalz lod all !
This app proposes the Board Game Arena gaming service inside an Android app. If you like it, we'll optimize it step by step to make it an even better app, so please support it :)
War ar prim pe tro-ha-tro.
Da vare ehan kreisteiz ? E-kerzh treuzdougen ?
Trankil ba'r gêr ?
Hoc'h-unan pe gant ho mignoned ?
C'hoariit d'ho lusk :)
Deraoud pe Mailh ?
Dizoloit ha mestroniit.
Deskiñ c'hoarioù nevez pe gwellaat ho parregezhioù er c'hoarioù a blij deoc'h ar muiañ, ha kement se diouzh ho tizh.
Daeadennoù nevez a faot deoc'h ? En em gavit e partiennoù renket a c'haredon ar c'hoarierien wellañ ha stagit gant daeoù nevez !
Notenn : embannadur diwezhañ roll ar c'hoarioù dibres a c'hellit kavout amañ :
Carcassonne, Coloretto, kahuna, alhambra, lostcities, raceforthegalaxy, Can't Stop, stoneage, puertorico, Amyitis, haggis, tobago, unclechestnuttablegype, troyes, diams, hawaii, dragonheart, saboteur, chinagold, intheyearofthedragon, Color Pop, gomoku, caylus, seasons, unitedsquare, gyges, jaipur, theboss, reversi, hearts, takenoko, niagara, quarto, k2, northwestpassage, quoridor, tournay, Battle Sheep, Yahtzee, cinco, backgammon, senet, machiavelli, libertalia, neutreeko, dudo, nautilus, koikoi, pi, pylos, elfenland, djambi, gearnpiston, kabaleo, targi, thermopyles, isaac, checkers, sobek, hive, tzolkin, chess, spyrium, tokaido, timemasters, armadora, thejellymonsterlab, hex, 6 a bak !, twintinbots, kalah, throughtheages, eightmastersrevenge, koryo, Hanabi, polis, tashkalar, quantum, assyria, carrara, florenzacardgame, lox, noirkvi, coltexpress, metromaniab, darkagent, ledernierpeuple, bombay, battleoflits, xiangqi, keyflower, logger, dungeontwister, evogamenoname, aknile, fourcolorcards, madeira, Love Letter, crazyfarmers, hacktrick, jumpgate, belote, ohhell, dragonline, kqj, An Ijinerien, akeruption, celestia, nippon, classicgo, rememberwhen, bubbleepop, caribbeanallfours, secretmoon, russianrailroads, Nine Men's Morris, tablut, Lines of Action, incangold, alveole, takaraisland, lewisclark, stirfryeighteen, thebuilders, gaia, veggiegarden, outlaws, coupcitystate, battleforhill, battleship, origin, innovation, rollforthegalaxy, icecoldicehockey, khronos, solo, dragonkeeper, signorie, krosmasterarena, taluva, hypnosia, diceforge, frenchtarot, guildes, eminentdomain, sevenwonders, buttons, briscola, ruhr, thebuildersantiquity, pennypress, blooms, pontedeldiavolo, toc, notalone, clansofcaledonia, throughtheagesnewstory, werewolves, forsale, kingsguild, kingdomino, circleoflife, dragoncastle, saintpoker, palace, skat, lagranja, gorami, nxs, sapiens, mammalath, finity, yokohama, redsevengame, ginkgopolis, Sushi Go!, explorationwarzone, veletas, ninetynine, teotihuacan, marram, potionexplosion, papayoo, rallymangt, yokai, consonar, bobail, bigtimesoccer, Pevar Enlinenn, marrakech, toeshambo, hungariantarokk, coinche, whisttwentytwo, teatime, cityofthebigshoulders, president, downforce, santorini, barbu, kulami, dingosdreams, marcopolo, ninetynineaddition, luckynumbers, roomtwentyfive, bandido, cubirds, smallislands, flamingpyramids, cribbage, soluna, unconditionalsurrender, butterfly, klaverjassen, connectsix, turnthetide, trekkingtheworld, offtherails, yinyang... ha kalz muioc'h !