The Nine Domains is a fast card game based on prediction of the opponent choices.
You have the same 9 cards as your opponent and you have to choose on which Domains you should place your strongest or weakest cards in order to win.
You can win either by gathering all 4 elements or by having more point at the end of the game.
Niver a c'hoarierien: 2
Padelezh ar bartienn: 14 mn
Kemplezhded : 2 / 5
C'hoari da theninedomains pe da 1003 c'hoari all enlinenn.
Pellgargañ ret ebet - c'hoariit war-eeun adalek ho merdeer.
Gant ho mignoned ha miliadoù c'hoarierien/ezed en hollved.
Evit netra.
C'hoari da theninedomains pe da 1003 c'hoari all enlinenn.
Pellgargañ ret ebet - c'hoariit war-eeun adalek ho merdeer.
Gant ho mignoned ha miliadoù c'hoarierien/ezed en hollved.
Evit netra.
Diverradenn ar reolennoù
Goal :
Obtain all elements (colors) or have the most victory points at the end of the game
How to play :
The game takes place in three rounds, with each round players can obtain the domains visible at the top of the three piles on the table. The players place one of their cards face down in front of each of the three domains. Once all the cards are placed, they are revealed and each domains is won by the player who put the best card in front of it. The domains won are placed face up in front of the players, their values are the victory points. The cards that have been played are left aside on the table face up (each card is therefore played only once, so the 9 cards will be used during the game). If a player has all 4 elements present on their domain, they win the game immediately, otherwise the next round can begin.
If neither player gets all the elements, the player with the most points at the end of the third round wins.
Game mechanics :
Cards and combat :
When two cards fight each other the higher value card wins. Base card combat values range from 0 to 5.
If a card has a special effect that changes the outcome of combat, then combat values and bonuses are ignored, only the effect count.
For example: card zero has a special ability allowing it to win against card 5
In case of equality in combat values:
- the card with the greatest combat bonus wins the tie (combat bonuses come from the effects of some special cards)
if there is no combat bonus (or equal bonuses) :
- if they are two identical cards: no one obtains the domain, it is removed from the game.
- otherwise, the ties are broken by the symbols of the special cards, the "+" win the ties and the "-" lose the ties.
There are 4 elements (colors) present on the domains. If a player posses domains that present all 4 elements, they immediately win the game.
Domains that display a purple element half must both be obtained in order for their owner to obtain the purple element
(In the extremely rare case where the two players manage to both obtain the 4 elements at the same turn, the game continues and elements are ignored)
Specials cards:
Specials cards powers are written on them (or show on tooltips for BGA // BGA card visual will be improved in the future)
Specials cards powers :
1-: This card increases the strength of adjacent cards by +1 (or by +2 if only one card is adjacent)
1+: This card increases the strength of the next card played in the same slot by +2
2-: If this card wins its fight, its owner can exchange one of their lands for one of their opponent's lands. (this effect acts before a color win is verified)
2+: This card increases the strength of the next card played in the same slot by +1
3-: If this card wins their fight, its owner can exchange one of their cards in hand for one of the cards they have already used.
3+: If this card wins its fight with an advantage of 2 or more, its owner gains 7 Victory Points
4-: This card loses against the base card "1" as well as against the card "*"
4+: This card reduces the strength of the next card played at the same location by -1 (if played on the third turn this card has -2 in strength)
*: This card wins against base cards "3", "4", "5" (as well as card 4-), but loses against other cards (force modifiers do not count).
This page was not written by an English speaker. Any correction is welcome.