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Reizhadurioù an daol

Mod c'hoari
Mod boas
Tizh ar bartienn
War ar prim • Tizh fonnus
1st edition (2016)
Game setup
Select your own game options
With second edition rules
  • - Exchange tokens are part of the base game now
  • - Swamp 1st risk action is now: Discard any cattle for 1 certificate
  • - Neutral building D slot moved before the indian path
  • - Indians rewards reworked: exchange token/1/2/3/4/5/6/8/10
  • - Delivery to Kansas City now rewards 4$
  • - Removing card from play auxiliary action still requires to move back your engine but now reward 1$
  • - Linking Wichita and Colorado Spring now rewards an exchange token
  • - You cannot copy building actions you have already used this turn (with 8b action)
  • - Players start the game with 4/5/6/7 cards depending on their starting position then every one must discard cards to have 4 remaining
Rails to the North - Expansion
Add a new expansion board, a new auxiliary action to place branchlets on the new rail system, new station masters tiles and exchange tokens
Bid for turn order
After the setup, players may bid VP to choose their turn order for the game
Pair starting objectives with turn order
Starting objectives are paired with a position in turn order
Balance material quantity, unofficial variant (2/3p)
2 players:
- 1. tiles: -3 blue teepees/orange outlaws, -3 green teepees/outlaws, -2 flood (2,4), -2 drought (2,4), -2 rockfall (2,4)
- 2. tiles: -5 cowboys, -5 craftmen, -5 engineers
- 3. tiles: -1 blue teepee/orange outlaw, -1 green teepee/outlaw, -3 cowboys, -3 craftmen, -3 engineers
- Cows: -3 yellow, -3 red, -3 blue, -4 brown (3,3,5,5 VP), -2 purple (5,7 VP)

3 players:
- 1. tiles: -1 blue teepee/orange outlaw, -2 green teepees/outlaws, -1 flood (3g), -1 drought (3g), -1 rockfall (3g)
- 2. tiles: -3 cowboys, -3 craftmen, -3 engineers
- 3. tiles: -1 blue teepee/orange outlaw, -1 cowboy, -1 craftman, -1 engineer
- Cows: -2 yellow, -2 red, -2 blue, -2 brown (3,5 VP), -1 purple (6 VP)
Neutral building selection
Player building selection
All random
Promo: Building 13
13b (cost: 2 - 4VP)
- Gain twice as many Dollars as you have discs on train stations
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
Live scoring
Display players VPs only at the end on the score pad
Note: with the Rails to the North expansion!

2 mn

amzer da c'hortoz keitat

Disoc'h ar bartienn

Reizhadurioù an daol

Mod c'hoari
Mod boas
Tizh ar bartienn
War ar prim • Tizh fonnus
+0:59 dre dro (maximum 3:00)
1st edition (2016)
Game setup
Select your own game options
With second edition rules
  • - Exchange tokens are part of the base game now
  • - Swamp 1st risk action is now: Discard any cattle for 1 certificate
  • - Neutral building D slot moved before the indian path
  • - Indians rewards reworked: exchange token/1/2/3/4/5/6/8/10
  • - Delivery to Kansas City now rewards 4$
  • - Removing card from play auxiliary action still requires to move back your engine but now reward 1$
  • - Linking Wichita and Colorado Spring now rewards an exchange token
  • - You cannot copy building actions you have already used this turn (with 8b action)
  • - Players start the game with 4/5/6/7 cards depending on their starting position then every one must discard cards to have 4 remaining
Rails to the North - Expansion
Add a new expansion board, a new auxiliary action to place branchlets on the new rail system, new station masters tiles and exchange tokens
Bid for turn order
After the setup, players may bid VP to choose their turn order for the game
Pair starting objectives with turn order
Starting objectives are paired with a position in turn order
Balance material quantity, unofficial variant (2/3p)
2 players:
- 1. tiles: -3 blue teepees/orange outlaws, -3 green teepees/outlaws, -2 flood (2,4), -2 drought (2,4), -2 rockfall (2,4)
- 2. tiles: -5 cowboys, -5 craftmen, -5 engineers
- 3. tiles: -1 blue teepee/orange outlaw, -1 green teepee/outlaw, -3 cowboys, -3 craftmen, -3 engineers
- Cows: -3 yellow, -3 red, -3 blue, -4 brown (3,3,5,5 VP), -2 purple (5,7 VP)

3 players:
- 1. tiles: -1 blue teepee/orange outlaw, -2 green teepees/outlaws, -1 flood (3g), -1 drought (3g), -1 rockfall (3g)
- 2. tiles: -3 cowboys, -3 craftmen, -3 engineers
- 3. tiles: -1 blue teepee/orange outlaw, -1 cowboy, -1 craftman, -1 engineer
- Cows: -2 yellow, -2 red, -2 blue, -2 brown (3,5 VP), -1 purple (6 VP)
Neutral building selection
Player building selection
All random
Promo: Building 13
13b (cost: 2 - 4VP)
- Gain twice as many Dollars as you have discs on train stations
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
Live scoring
Display players VPs only at the end on the score pad
Note: with the Rails to the North expansion!

C'hoarierien ouzh an daol-mañ bremañ

Titouroù ar c'hoari

Penaos c'hoari ?

Embannet gant :


Diorroet gant :


handelv :


TRUGAREZ : Unan eus hor c'hoarierien lealañ oc'h !
Tapit pep gwellañ Board Game Arena evit $5 / miz hepken !