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Reizhadurioù an daol

Mod c'hoari
Mod boas
Tizh ar bartienn
War ar prim • Tizh reizh
Game Type
Base Game
The base game with no expansion
Game Mode
Standard game with 2 starting choices for Island, Climate and Ecosystem cards
Setup Card Visibility
Show Island, Climate and Ecosystem cards as soon as they are choosen
Score Visibility
Hidden and revealed at game end
Hide players score and ecosystem progress. Revealed when the game ends.

2 mn

amzer da c'hortoz keitat

Disoc'h ar bartienn

sarasusan (Bug reporter) [creator]
282 (3)
+6   ->  

ker788 (Bug reporter) [creator]
224 (2)
+0   ->  

Kamikazejo (Bug reporter) [creator]
157 (1)
+1   ->  


Bezit Premium evit gwelet ar stadegoù c'hoari !

Padelezh ar bartienn
Live ar c'hoarierien (keidenn)
Kont etre
Nb Rounds
Disoc'h ar bartienn 1añ (282)Eil (224)3de (157)
Amzer prederiañ masked mnmasked mnmasked mn
VP Total maskedmaskedmasked
VP from Tableau Cards maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Tableau Cards maskedmaskedmasked
VP from Event Cards maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Event Cards maskedmaskedmasked
VP from Compost maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Compost Cards maskedmaskedmasked
VP from Sprouts maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Sprouts maskedmaskedmasked
VP from Growth and Canopies maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Growth and Canopies maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Canopies maskedmaskedmasked
VP from Terrain Cards maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Terrain Cards maskedmaskedmasked
VP from Player Ecosystem Card maskedmaskedmasked
VP from First Ecosystem Card maskedmaskedmasked
VP from Second Ecosystem Card maskedmaskedmasked
VP Total for Ecosystem Cards maskedmaskedmasked
VP from Fauna Cards maskedmaskedmasked
VP from Tableau Bonus maskedmaskedmasked
VP Total for Fauna Board maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Cards in Hand at game end maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Soil in reserve at game end maskedmaskedmasked
Nb times choose Plant action maskedmaskedmasked
Nb times choose Compost action maskedmaskedmasked
Nb times choose Water action maskedmaskedmasked
Nb times choose Grow action maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Cards drawn in total maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Cards composted in total maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Soil gained in total maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Cards discarded (paid) from compost maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Sprouts placed in total maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Sprouts discarded (paid) in total maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Sprouts converted in total maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Growth placed in total maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Growth discarded (paid) in total maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Seeds gained in total (Abundance) maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Leafs converted to Seeds in total (Abundance) maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Germinate action in total (Abundance) maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Sprouts placed on board by the player (Abundance) maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Sprouts placed on board by the other players (Abundance) maskedmaskedmasked
Nb Sprouts placed in Tableau from the board (Abundance) maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP Total maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Earth Cards maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Earth Cards maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Compost maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Compost maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Sprouts maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Sprouts maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Growth maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Growth and Canopies maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Canopies maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Fauna Cards maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Tableau Bonus maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP Total for Fauna Board maskedmaskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Soil in reserve at game end maskedmaskedmasked
An holl stadegoù
Stadegoù sarasusan evit ar c'hoari-mañ
Stadegoù ker788 evit ar c'hoari-mañ
Stadegoù Kamikazejo evit ar c'hoari-mañ

Reizhadurioù an daol

Mod c'hoari
Mod boas
Tizh ar bartienn
War ar prim • Tizh reizh
+0:53 dre dro (maximum 3:39)
Game Type
Base Game
The base game with no expansion
Game Mode
Standard game with 2 starting choices for Island, Climate and Ecosystem cards
Setup Card Visibility
Show Island, Climate and Ecosystem cards as soon as they are choosen
Score Visibility
Hidden and revealed at game end
Hide players score and ecosystem progress. Revealed when the game ends.

C'hoarierien ouzh an daol-mañ bremañ

Titouroù ar c'hoari

Penaos c'hoari ?

Embannet gant :


Diorroet gant :


handelv :


TRUGAREZ : Unan eus hor c'hoarierien lealañ oc'h !
Tapit pep gwellañ Board Game Arena evit $5 / miz hepken !