Penaos dont da vezañ habaskaer-ez ?
You must speak English fluently.
You must do a minimum of 30 reports a week (about 45 minutes work).
You must be able to check our Discord server several times a week.
You have been an active BGA user for at least 1 year.
You must not have been found guilty of misbehaviour on BGA.
Your commitment can be renewed each year or stopped at any time.
You must do a minimum of 30 reports a week (about 45 minutes work).
You must be able to check our Discord server several times a week.
You have been an active BGA user for at least 1 year.
You must not have been found guilty of misbehaviour on BGA.
Your commitment can be renewed each year or stopped at any time.
We will contact you if a moderator position becomes available and if you are selected (pleasse be aware that there are only a few spots available).