The Yokai are in great disarray!
These Japanese Spirits got mixed with one another and, to appease them, you will need to group them by families. Yokai is a cooperative game where your communication is limited. Move the Yokai to gather by family. Interpret the actions of other players and leave them hint to help them guess who is behind the cards!
Niver a c'hoarierien: 2 - 4
Padelezh ar bartienn: 11 mn
Kemplezhded : 2 / 5
C'hoari da yokai pe da 1003 c'hoari all enlinenn.
Pellgargañ ret ebet - c'hoariit war-eeun adalek ho merdeer.
Gant ho mignoned ha miliadoù c'hoarierien/ezed en hollved.
Evit netra.
C'hoari da yokai pe da 1003 c'hoari all enlinenn.
Pellgargañ ret ebet - c'hoariit war-eeun adalek ho merdeer.
Gant ho mignoned ha miliadoù c'hoarierien/ezed en hollved.
Evit netra.
Diverradenn ar reolennoù
To work together as a team and gather the Yokai (four each of four suits: Foxes, River Children, Long-neck Women and Demons) by families.
The Yokai cards are shuffled and placed in a 4x4 grid. A stack of hint cards (7 for two players, 9 for three, 10 for four) is placed nearby.
Your Turn
You must do 3 actions in this order:
- Look at 2 cards, one by one. They don't have to be adjacent.
- Choose an uncovered Yokai card and move it. After the move, the 16 cards must still form a connected whole.
- Draw and reveal a hint card, or place a revealed hint card on a Yokai. A Yokai with a hint card is locked and cannot be looked at or moved.
End of Game
The game is ended when:
- Instead of doing any actions, a player declares the Yokai are gathered by families, or;
- All the hint cards are used.
Once the game is over, flip over all Yokai. If the Yokai are grouped by families, the players win. Otherwise they lose.
Victories are scored by hint card usage:
- 1 point per correctly placed hint card
- -1 point per incorrectly placed hint card
- 2 points per revealed but unused hint card
- 5 points per unrevealed hint card
Total Rankings
- 0-10 points is an Honourable victory
- 11-14 points is a Glorious victory
- 15+ points is a Legendary victory
Level of Difficulty
If you win a game at a given level of difficulty, you can try the same level for a higher score or move on to the next level.
- Level 1: Basic rules.
- Level 2: Add a random affinity card which is only visible to the first player. The shown families must be adjacent at the end of the game.
- Level 3: Stack hint cards when revealing them. You may only place the last revealed hint.
- Level 4: Don't reveal hints. Instead take the top card and put it down beside the deck facedown.
- Level 5: Add a random objective card, visible to all. The cards must be in the indicated shape at the end of the game.
Hint card distribution
In a two-player game, there are 2 random single-colour cards, 3 two-colour cards and 2 three-colour cards.
In a three-player game, there are 2 random single-colour cards, 4 two-colour cards and 3 three-colour cards.
In a four-player game, there are 3 random single-colour cards, 4 two-colour cards and 3 three-colour cards.