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For the rules of pingimus, see GameHelpPingimus
- Try and play from a device with a mouse if possible.
- It isn't as responsive to touch screen drawing.
- Remember you have (usually) 60 seconds from when you start drawing in Turn-Based so it isn't a bad idea to think what you want to draw before you start!
- Or even Google images.
- If you vote to combine answers, vote against the combined answer, since you are giving a point to everyone you combined together.
- There are two ways of scoring Pingimus, only one of which gets you points for correct guesses.
- Keep that in mind when starting up a game--and when voting.
Have fun!
If you are not having fun..
- Remember it is just a silly game.
- Think of playing the game as just an experiment to see what it's like.
- Put it in perspective:
- Tomorrow is a new day :)
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