An holl danevelloù
pandemic_displayed danevelloù bog
#98732: "Stuck after using forecast"
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Petra a zo c'hoarvezet ? Trugarez evit dibab amañ dindan
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• What was displayed on the screen when you were blocked (Blank screen? Part of the game interface? Error message?)
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS8 16/09 02:26:46)• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v116
Roll-istor an danevelloù bog
han6784 • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
16. Gwe 2023 2:27 • Tried refreshing, exiting and coming back to game, and this error came up every time.
Dupey • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
22. Gen 2024 15:18 • Pandemic #465412789
(Reference: GS5 22/01 14:08.48)
(This was the time I have with my screenshot, but the first time it happened was first encountered maybe 5-10 minutes before that time - and is still happening now at 15:11.00)
It is a real-time game. Playing the Archive solo-variant.
I used forecast after taking the city of London from the "Archive" instead of discarding an 8th card in hand.
The screen showed me the list of cities, but since it didn't actually matter, I clicked "Forecast Done". Then, it showed the red error banner and it says the "you must sort cards" white banner.
I tried updating the page. Went to a different phone. Still didn't work.
I'm on mobile. Using: Google Chrome: Fast & Secure. Tried on both the new update and on a phone with the older update.
I don't know how to use Imgur, so I won't be uploading my screenshot(s) of the game and malfunction.
(Reference: GS5 22/01 14:08.48)
(This was the time I have with my screenshot, but the first time it happened was first encountered maybe 5-10 minutes before that time - and is still happening now at 15:11.00)
It is a real-time game. Playing the Archive solo-variant.
I used forecast after taking the city of London from the "Archive" instead of discarding an 8th card in hand.
The screen showed me the list of cities, but since it didn't actually matter, I clicked "Forecast Done". Then, it showed the red error banner and it says the "you must sort cards" white banner.
I tried updating the page. Went to a different phone. Still didn't work.
I'm on mobile. Using: Google Chrome: Fast & Secure. Tried on both the new update and on a phone with the older update.
I don't know how to use Imgur, so I won't be uploading my screenshot(s) of the game and malfunction.
Dupey • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
23. Gen 2024 1:41 • Happened again in a different game of Pandemic after the last one wouldn't let me continue.
This time it is a GS8 error instead of a GS5.
Pandemic #465670608
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS8 23/01 01:37:34)
Real-time game. Archive solo-variant.
I used forecast after taking the card Ho Chi Minh City from the "Archive" instead of discarding an 8th card in hand.
Same thing as before.
I'm now on a computer instead of a mobile phone. Google Chrome browser.// but I don't know which version.
This time it is a GS8 error instead of a GS5.
Pandemic #465670608
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS8 23/01 01:37:34)
Real-time game. Archive solo-variant.
I used forecast after taking the card Ho Chi Minh City from the "Archive" instead of discarding an 8th card in hand.
Same thing as before.
I'm now on a computer instead of a mobile phone. Google Chrome browser.// but I don't know which version.
Dupey • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
23. Gen 2024 1:57 • Happened again.
This was a GS1 error instead of a GS8 or GS5.
Pandemic #465682011
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS1 23/01 01:50:31)
Real-time game. Archive solo-variant.
I used forecast to get rid of the 8th card in my hand after I took Moscow city card from the "Archive".
Same thing as before.
Same computer with the same Google Chrome browser.
I switched the two newest games with this issue to turn-based.
To clear up things from before. In this game and the previous one, neither re-loading the page nor switching to turn-based changed any of the outcomes. This game still gets a GS1 error, and the previous one gets a GS8 error. This happens every time I load the game and try to click the "Forecast Done" button.
This was a GS1 error instead of a GS8 or GS5.
Pandemic #465682011
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS1 23/01 01:50:31)
Real-time game. Archive solo-variant.
I used forecast to get rid of the 8th card in my hand after I took Moscow city card from the "Archive".
Same thing as before.
Same computer with the same Google Chrome browser.
I switched the two newest games with this issue to turn-based.
To clear up things from before. In this game and the previous one, neither re-loading the page nor switching to turn-based changed any of the outcomes. This game still gets a GS1 error, and the previous one gets a GS8 error. This happens every time I load the game and try to click the "Forecast Done" button.
Dupey • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
25. Gen 2024 4:00 • This happened again. Same thing. I play with the same three characters granted, but it always freezes with me using the Forecast card after picking up an 8th card from the Archive.
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS11 25/01 03:58:26)
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS11 25/01 03:58:26)
Dupey • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
3. Cʼhw 2024 2:10 • I'm using the same characters of Operations Expert, Medic, and Scientist, but it happened again.
This time it was a G8 error again.
Pandemic #470269197
This time it was a G8 error again.
Pandemic #470269197
Dupey • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
3. Cʼhw 2024 9:48 • Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS4 03/02 09:41:45)
This time I chose the Dispatcher, the Contingency Planner, and the Quarantine Specialist. The Dispatcher was the one who picked up Lagos and used the Forecast, which caused the error in the interface.
Pandemic #470360833
This time I chose the Dispatcher, the Contingency Planner, and the Quarantine Specialist. The Dispatcher was the one who picked up Lagos and used the Forecast, which caused the error in the interface.
Pandemic #470360833
Dupey • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
3. Cʼhw 2024 10:02 • Pandemic #470364206
GS8. Medic took Lima and used Forecast.
GS8. Medic took Lima and used Forecast.
Dupey • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
3. Cʼhw 2024 10:36 • Pandemic #470367279
GS1. Quarantine Specialist took Buenos Aires as card #8. Forecast was used.
Quarantine Specialist, Contingency Planner, and Operations Expert.
GS1. Quarantine Specialist took Buenos Aires as card #8. Forecast was used.
Quarantine Specialist, Contingency Planner, and Operations Expert.
Dupey • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
3. Cʼhw 2024 12:30 • Pandemic #470404751
GS11: Dispatcher picked up Kinshasa and used Forecast.
Dispatcher, Scientist, and Quarantine Specialist.
GS11: Dispatcher picked up Kinshasa and used Forecast.
Dispatcher, Scientist, and Quarantine Specialist.
Dupey • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
14. Ebr 2024 0:38 •
Picked up an archived city card, and then used Forecast instead of discarding a different city card. Game won't let me play after I clicked Forecast done.
Picked up an archived city card, and then used Forecast instead of discarding a different city card. Game won't let me play after I clicked Forecast done.
Sajer 13 • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
22. Eos 2024 14:32 • wont allow me to use forecast properly
RV_nc • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
7. Du 2024 19:03 •
em1l13 • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
29. Ker 2024 22:19 • reference GS4
Tried to refresh but still same error. tried on tablet and Phone.
Tried to refresh but still same error. tried on tablet and Phone.
Ouzhpennañ un dra bennak d'an danevell-mañ
Ouzhpennit amañ mar-plij, tout ar pezh a c'hellfe bezañ talvoudus evit ma c'hellfemp dreveziñ ar bog-mañ pe kompren ho kinnig:
- Niverenn taol all / Niverenn ar fiñv
- Ha renket eo bet ar gudenn gant an douchenn F5 ?
- Ha c'hoarvezet eo ar gudenn meur a wech ? Bewech ? Cheñch-dicheñch ?
- M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.