#40011: "stuck on 'You may refresh an assistant' as an idol bonus, when is not exhausted"
What is this report about?
Petra a zo c'hoarvezet ? Trugarez evit dibab amañ dindan
Deskrivadur dre ar munud
• Peseurt taol ho peus c'hoant c'hoari ?
I wanted to discover a new site. The idol on this site had the bonus 'refresh one assistant'. I had one assistant but my only assistant was up.• Petra emaoc'h o klask ober evit delankañ an ober c'hoari-mañ ?
I discovered the new site.• What happened when you try to do this (error message, game status bar message, ...)?
Game asked me 'you may refresh an assistant' and pause. The only option I can see on the top is UNDO. Because I dont see PASS I tried to click on my already refreshed assistant, but that click triggers the 'use assistant free action' which I could not used because one coin was required and did not have one *it was the pay one coin get an arrow* assistant.
So I could not find a way to move out of this. I tried to reload, also undo and cancel my move, and tried again but it happened again. So finally, I changed my move.• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v90
Roll-istor an danevelloù bog
although I go back again to the same site, on a later turn, after having used my assistant.
Move 164
Playing Sea turtle
Drawn card
Going to a site with an assistant refresh
No assistants are used so cannot be refreshed.
No assistants are instant actions, so cannot be used at this step.
But also cannot pass on refreshing an assistant
Ended up having to go to a different location
game #250689065
When discovering a new site with the idol “Refresh an assistant” but don’t have an assistant on my board yet (or have one but not used yet)
using Google Chrome.
Same problem.. I discovered a site but I don't want to refresh an assistant... interface says "You MAY refresh an assistant", but there's no option to skip!
Can't believe this is still a bug in 2023 having been reported 2 years ago.
Move #249
Progression 73%
I want to visit a new site,using my aeroplane.I clicked on the site,but it had a bonus of refreshing an assistant.My only assistant was the one that allows you to buy items at a discount as a slow action.I couldn't afford any of the items even with the discount.I hadn't used the assistant and couldn't use it/him.The interface won't give me the option of ignoring the bonus,so I am stuck unable to proceed.
It says:
Unexpected error: This transition (assistantDiscard) is impossible at this state (16) (reference: GS6 13/11 17:30:36)
I'm on Mozilla Firefox.
F5 did not solve the problem, I cannot do anything, no assistant to refresh and the site's Guardian has not been revealed, it's waiting on me to refresh an assistant. It says I "may refresh an assistant" but there's no option to skip if I don't want to or in this case incapable of doing. We may have to cancel the game at this point as this seems to be an unresolved issue. I'm running Firefox 119.0.1.
Please display "Skip". For assistants who cannot be used immediately.
Ouzhpennañ un dra bennak d'an danevell-mañ
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- Ha renket eo bet ar gudenn gant an douchenn F5 ?
- Ha c'hoarvezet eo ar gudenn meur a wech ? Bewech ? Cheñch-dicheñch ?
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