#37022: "Tournament mode : skip functionality is abused by some players, which ruins the overall experience"
Petra a zo c'hoarvezet ? Trugarez evit dibab amañ dindan
Petra a zo c'hoarvezet ? Trugarez evit dibab amañ dindan
Gwiriit mar-plij ma n'eus ket dija un danevell evit an hevelep dodenn
M'oc'h a-du, VOTIT evit an danevell-mañ. An danevelloù gant ar muiañ a vouezhioù a vo studiet DA GENTAÑ !
# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
Deskrivadur dre ar munud
• Mar-plij, eilit/pegit ar gemennadenn fazi a zo war ho skramm, ma zo unan.
Need to improve the tournament setup options, so that the "skip player" functionality can be disabled, or is less likely to occur.
This problem is especially prevalent in tournaments with 4+ players per table. Even if one player's time runs out, the majority of players are happy to continue the game, especially if it is nearing the end.
Currently, it is very frustrating for everyone, when someone decides to "skip" a player, especially when only several minutes of over-allocation has past.• Displegit deomp, mar-plij, ar pezh ho poa c'hoant d'ober, ar pezh ho peus graet hag ar pezh a zo c'hoarvezet 'benn ar fin
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v89
• Mar-plij, eilit/pegit an destenn e Saozneg ha n'eo ket en ho yezh. M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.
Need to improve the tournament setup options, so that the "skip player" functionality can be disabled, or is less likely to occur.
This problem is especially prevalent in tournaments with 4+ players per table. Even if one player's time runs out, the majority of players are happy to continue the game, especially if it is nearing the end.
Currently, it is very frustrating for everyone, when someone decides to "skip" a player, especially when only several minutes of over-allocation has past.• Ha dibres eo an destenn-mañ er sistem treiñ? Ma ya, daoust ha troet eo bet ouzhpenn 24 eur 'zo ?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v89
• Displegit ho kinnig mar-plij, e berrgomzoù met en un doare resis, evit ma vefe an aesañ posupl kompren mat ar pezh ho peus c'hoant lâret.
Need to improve the tournament setup options, so that the "skip player" functionality can be disabled, or is less likely to occur.
This problem is especially prevalent in tournaments with 4+ players per table. Even if one player's time runs out, the majority of players are happy to continue the game, especially if it is nearing the end.
Currently, it is very frustrating for everyone, when someone decides to "skip" a player, especially when only several minutes of over-allocation has past.• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v89
• What was displayed on the screen when you were blocked (Blank screen? Part of the game interface? Error message?)
Need to improve the tournament setup options, so that the "skip player" functionality can be disabled, or is less likely to occur.
This problem is especially prevalent in tournaments with 4+ players per table. Even if one player's time runs out, the majority of players are happy to continue the game, especially if it is nearing the end.
Currently, it is very frustrating for everyone, when someone decides to "skip" a player, especially when only several minutes of over-allocation has past.• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v89
• Which part of the rules was not respected by the BGA adaptation
Need to improve the tournament setup options, so that the "skip player" functionality can be disabled, or is less likely to occur.
This problem is especially prevalent in tournaments with 4+ players per table. Even if one player's time runs out, the majority of players are happy to continue the game, especially if it is nearing the end.
Currently, it is very frustrating for everyone, when someone decides to "skip" a player, especially when only several minutes of over-allocation has past.• Ha posupl eo gwelet torridigezh ar reolenn e replay ar bartienn ? Ma 'z eo ya, da be niverenn taol ?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v89
• Peseurt taol ho peus c'hoant c'hoari ?
Need to improve the tournament setup options, so that the "skip player" functionality can be disabled, or is less likely to occur.
This problem is especially prevalent in tournaments with 4+ players per table. Even if one player's time runs out, the majority of players are happy to continue the game, especially if it is nearing the end.
Currently, it is very frustrating for everyone, when someone decides to "skip" a player, especially when only several minutes of over-allocation has past.• Petra emaoc'h o klask ober evit delankañ an ober c'hoari-mañ ?
• What happened when you try to do this (error message, game status bar message, ...)?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v89
• Da be bazenn ar bartienn eo en em gavet ar gudenn (petra oa testenn kemenn ar c'hoari) ?
Need to improve the tournament setup options, so that the "skip player" functionality can be disabled, or is less likely to occur.
This problem is especially prevalent in tournaments with 4+ players per table. Even if one player's time runs out, the majority of players are happy to continue the game, especially if it is nearing the end.
Currently, it is very frustrating for everyone, when someone decides to "skip" a player, especially when only several minutes of over-allocation has past.• What happened when you try to do a game action (error message, game status bar message, ...)?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v89
• Mar-plij, diskrivit kudenn an diskwel. M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.
Need to improve the tournament setup options, so that the "skip player" functionality can be disabled, or is less likely to occur.
This problem is especially prevalent in tournaments with 4+ players per table. Even if one player's time runs out, the majority of players are happy to continue the game, especially if it is nearing the end.
Currently, it is very frustrating for everyone, when someone decides to "skip" a player, especially when only several minutes of over-allocation has past.• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v89
• Mar-plij, eilit/pegit an destenn e Saozneg ha n'eo ket en ho yezh. M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.
Need to improve the tournament setup options, so that the "skip player" functionality can be disabled, or is less likely to occur.
This problem is especially prevalent in tournaments with 4+ players per table. Even if one player's time runs out, the majority of players are happy to continue the game, especially if it is nearing the end.
Currently, it is very frustrating for everyone, when someone decides to "skip" a player, especially when only several minutes of over-allocation has past.• Ha dibres eo an destenn-mañ er sistem treiñ? Ma ya, daoust ha troet eo bet ouzhpenn 24 eur 'zo ?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v89
• Displegit ho kinnig mar-plij, e berrgomzoù met en un doare resis, evit ma vefe an aesañ posupl kompren mat ar pezh ho peus c'hoant lâret.
Need to improve the tournament setup options, so that the "skip player" functionality can be disabled, or is less likely to occur.
This problem is especially prevalent in tournaments with 4+ players per table. Even if one player's time runs out, the majority of players are happy to continue the game, especially if it is nearing the end.
Currently, it is very frustrating for everyone, when someone decides to "skip" a player, especially when only several minutes of over-allocation has past.• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v89
Roll-istor an danevelloù bog
1. Option to disable the "skip" player function.
This should be clearly stated in the tournament page, so that players who like the "skip" function, do not enter the tournament.
By having this option, the game can continue until completion, even if a player's time allocation expires.
If the total game duration is exceeded, then the current rules will apply.
2. Disassociate the total game duration from the player time allocation.
In the current options, the total game duration = player time allocation x number of players.
But this results in VERY long games, which can be even worse than "skipping" players.
An option to make each player allocation independent of the game duration could be added.
In all the above scenarios, the player(s) who exceeded their time allocation, will still lose reputation points etc.
Common scenario:
Player A takes 5 mins to take first move.
Player B takes 10 mins to take first move.
Player C takes 15 mins to take first move.
Player D never plays at all.
Currently, if players are sensible, someone will skip D.
Otherwise, game ends 2 weeks later. Result: A wins, followed by B, C and D.
A huge amount of time is wasted, A gets full points for no particularly good reason and C's tournament standing is ruined by D not playing.
What really needs to happen is for D to be skipped and the other players to continue playing and for their actual results to be recorded, not voided.
If a solution is implemented correctly, there would be no need to have tournaments with a 2 week game duration, as you suggest in your example. For the majority of tournaments, a 1 week game duration would be more than sufficient.
And the example you provide is not the main issue (someone who does not start their game) : in this case, no one has really started playing, so there is no frustration in terms of time investment. Sure, this slows down a tournament, but this has always been an "issue" with BGA tournaments.
The issue is with a game with significant progress (ie 75%) : the majority of players have invested considerable time in a game, only to have someone use the "skip" function, and cancels all the investment players have made in the game (It's not just one player, it's many players who are impacted).
And an important point : often a player use the "skip" function immediately after someone's allocated time has expired, which is abusing the fair use of the "skip" function.
And I think you will find that your final suggestion will be extremely difficult to implement for BGA (allow other players to continue playing). This will require a major change to game mechanics.
My suggestions do not require a change the game mechanics (it only restricts how a game can end).
My recommendations:
- Tournaments should use a Fisher clock system like regular turn-based games, something like +8 hours per move with a 1-2 day limit or other options for move frequency.
- If a player timeouts in a tournament, the game just ends rather than letting other people abuse the timeout system. (A player who is doing well in the game would want the game to finish, a player who is doing poorly in the game would want the game to be abandoned.)
- If it's a swiss tournament, a player who timeouts is kicked from the tournament, and the other players get points as if they had a bye. Those players can be paired together again if a tournament is configured for "don't pair the same players twice".
- If it's a multiplayer elimination tournament, everyone else advances even if the tournament was not configured that way. (I.e., if the tournament was "6 play 3 advance" and someone runs out of time, then the other 5 players advance.)
- If a player has too many tournament timeouts, they're banned from entering tournaments for awhile.
Skipping currently has no consideration on whether a game will reasonably be completed on time or if it's a truly AFK player with no chance of a game finishing. Please just allow us to disable skip in tournaments and let maximum game duration take care of it.
Skipping rarely makes the tournament advance faster anyways. Players are usually waiting for another table to finish anyways.
Ouzhpennañ un dra bennak d'an danevell-mañ
- Niverenn taol all / Niverenn ar fiñv
- Ha renket eo bet ar gudenn gant an douchenn F5 ?
- Ha c'hoarvezet eo ar gudenn meur a wech ? Bewech ? Cheñch-dicheñch ?
- M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.