An holl danevelloù
cribbage_displayed danevelloù bog
#34723: "Card was played twice"
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Petra a zo c'hoarvezet ? Trugarez evit dibab amañ dindan
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• Which part of the rules was not respected by the BGA adaptation
A card was played twice from my hand somehow.• Ha posupl eo gwelet torridigezh ar reolenn e replay ar bartienn ? Ma 'z eo ya, da be niverenn taol ?
Yes, at move number 29 and 31.• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Mozilla v5
Roll-istor an danevelloù bog
Jimblefredberry • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
22. Cʼhw 2021 11:26 • Somehow, I played a 5 of spades twice from my hand. I had a legal play, but my previous move was playing the 5 of spades was somehow repeated and this was counted as my go. You can start the replay of this table at move 28 to see what happens.
I wonder if this was some sort of server issue though, although potentially there is something that you can add to the code to prevent playing a card that does not actually exist in a player's hand.
I wonder if this was some sort of server issue though, although potentially there is something that you can add to the code to prevent playing a card that does not actually exist in a player's hand.
Spoky22 • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
6. Ebr 2021 3:47 • Happened in my game as well around move 57 on table 161736732. The 2 of hearts was played a second time.
ddturnerphd • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
6. Gwe 2021 11:04 • Same happened during this game too
mvp • N'eo ket bet eiladet c'hoazh ar bog gant an diorroerien:
8. Ebr 2022 1:49 • Same thing happened in this game: Table #257110161
Moves 18 and 20
It happened while my opponent was offline.
Moves 18 and 20
It happened while my opponent was offline.
Ouzhpennañ un dra bennak d'an danevell-mañ
Ouzhpennit amañ mar-plij, tout ar pezh a c'hellfe bezañ talvoudus evit ma c'hellfemp dreveziñ ar bog-mañ pe kompren ho kinnig:
- Niverenn taol all / Niverenn ar fiñv
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- Ha c'hoarvezet eo ar gudenn meur a wech ? Bewech ? Cheñch-dicheñch ?
- M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.