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#122960: "All solo games should have disabled elo and rankings, and count as cooperative"
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• Displegit ho kinnig mar-plij, e berrgomzoù met en un doare resis, evit ma vefe an aesañ posupl kompren mat ar pezh ho peus c'hoant lâret.
Any game that you can only play solo, or that you can play solo in non-friendly mode, should automatically be considered as "cooperative" and have its rankings (and public elo) disabled.• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Mozilla v5
Roll-istor an danevelloù bog
Jellby • This suggestion has not been analyzed by delopers yet:
3. Mae 2024 20:10 • Apparently, solo-only games games (which you can play solo in non-friendly mode) can be tagged as cooperative or not ( This means that "non-cooperative" solo games (e.g. still have rankings and public elo. I don't think that's intended. Solo elo and rankings should be disabled.
It also has the side effect that non-cooperative solo games don't award victory badges or the 5 gift points for first victory.
All solo games should count as cooperative and award at least the first victory gift points. Rankings and elo make no sense for solo games (especially when you cannot lose elo, as seems to be the case).
It also has the side effect that non-cooperative solo games don't award victory badges or the 5 gift points for first victory.
All solo games should count as cooperative and award at least the first victory gift points. Rankings and elo make no sense for solo games (especially when you cannot lose elo, as seems to be the case).
ufm • This suggestion has not been analyzed by delopers yet:
6. Mae 2024 9:19 • I disagree:
Solo games SHOULD NEVER count as co-op games.
Solo games SHOULD NEVER count as co-op games.
ufm • This suggestion has not been analyzed by delopers yet:
17. Eos 2024 13:34 • Note: The poster linked this suggestion to solo-only game forums and many users misunderstood that this suggestion aims to just fix the victory bug.
Again, solo games SHOULD NEVER count as co-op games.
Again, solo games SHOULD NEVER count as co-op games.
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Ouzhpennit amañ mar-plij, tout ar pezh a c'hellfe bezañ talvoudus evit ma c'hellfemp dreveziñ ar bog-mañ pe kompren ho kinnig:
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- M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.