#121841: "Make the framework more flexible as to what happens when someone leaves/quits a game"
Petra a zo c'hoarvezet ? Trugarez evit dibab amañ dindan
Petra a zo c'hoarvezet ? Trugarez evit dibab amañ dindan
Gwiriit mar-plij ma n'eus ket dija un danevell evit an hevelep dodenn
M'oc'h a-du, VOTIT evit an danevell-mañ. An danevelloù gant ar muiañ a vouezhioù a vo studiet DA GENTAÑ !
# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
Deskrivadur dre ar munud
• Mar-plij, eilit/pegit ar gemennadenn fazi a zo war ho skramm, ma zo unan.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Displegit deomp, mar-plij, ar pezh ho poa c'hoant d'ober, ar pezh ho peus graet hag ar pezh a zo c'hoarvezet 'benn ar fin
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v124
• Mar-plij, eilit/pegit an destenn e Saozneg ha n'eo ket en ho yezh. M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Ha dibres eo an destenn-mañ er sistem treiñ? Ma ya, daoust ha troet eo bet ouzhpenn 24 eur 'zo ?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v124
• Displegit ho kinnig mar-plij, e berrgomzoù met en un doare resis, evit ma vefe an aesañ posupl kompren mat ar pezh ho peus c'hoant lâret.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v124
• What was displayed on the screen when you were blocked (Blank screen? Part of the game interface? Error message?)
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v124
• Which part of the rules was not respected by the BGA adaptation
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Ha posupl eo gwelet torridigezh ar reolenn e replay ar bartienn ? Ma 'z eo ya, da be niverenn taol ?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v124
• Peseurt taol ho peus c'hoant c'hoari ?
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Petra emaoc'h o klask ober evit delankañ an ober c'hoari-mañ ?
• What happened when you try to do this (error message, game status bar message, ...)?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v124
• Da be bazenn ar bartienn eo en em gavet ar gudenn (petra oa testenn kemenn ar c'hoari) ?
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• What happened when you try to do a game action (error message, game status bar message, ...)?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v124
• Mar-plij, diskrivit kudenn an diskwel. M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v124
• Mar-plij, eilit/pegit an destenn e Saozneg ha n'eo ket en ho yezh. M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Ha dibres eo an destenn-mañ er sistem treiñ? Ma ya, daoust ha troet eo bet ouzhpenn 24 eur 'zo ?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v124
• Displegit ho kinnig mar-plij, e berrgomzoù met en un doare resis, evit ma vefe an aesañ posupl kompren mat ar pezh ho peus c'hoant lâret.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v124
Roll-istor an danevelloù bog
In Heat, some players that see they can't come back to other players and will lose the game voluntary quit game.
First, we wait for them that their counter comes to -20 seconds, but WORST, our race is totally perverted and we don't win points desearved §
In my last 3 races, 1 player decided voluntary to quit because he saw he couldn't win, and when I finally won the race, I was awarded by only +1 ELO point !!!!!
3 win, +3 points only because of quitters !
And even RED THUMBing is not enough for them to continue (see their history).
Ouzhpennañ un dra bennak d'an danevell-mañ
- Niverenn taol all / Niverenn ar fiñv
- Ha renket eo bet ar gudenn gant an douchenn F5 ?
- Ha c'hoarvezet eo ar gudenn meur a wech ? Bewech ? Cheñch-dicheñch ?
- M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.