#119923: "End Game statistics are incorrect and misleading."
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Petra a zo c'hoarvezet ? Trugarez evit dibab amañ dindan
Petra a zo c'hoarvezet ? Trugarez evit dibab amañ dindan
Gwiriit mar-plij ma n'eus ket dija un danevell evit an hevelep dodenn
M'oc'h a-du, VOTIT evit an danevell-mañ. An danevelloù gant ar muiañ a vouezhioù a vo studiet DA GENTAÑ !
# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
Deskrivadur dre ar munud
• Mar-plij, eilit/pegit ar gemennadenn fazi a zo war ho skramm, ma zo unan.
The end of game statistics are wrong, and misleading.
I carefully tracked one such game - this table.
At the end of the race, My tracking should:
The game reports these values:
# of 1! dice rolled: 49
# of 1! dice failed: 8
# of 2! dice rolled: 29
# of 2! dice failed: 10
However, I tracked my rolls very carefully, and triple checked the results compared to the game log:
the values should be:
# of 1! dice rolled: 44
# of 1! dice failed: 9
# of 2! dice rolled: 26
# of 2! dice failed: 11
It seems it counts the dice that are "secured" as being rolled - which is misleading for statistics.
It also isn't counting the failures correctly, Seems it's reducing the # of failures by 1 for some reason.
The game reports :
1! % thrown: 16.3265%
2! % thrown: 34.4828%
which is pretty close to expected values .. however, in reality, this particular game should be:
1! % thrown: 20.45%
2! % thrown: 42.31%
I felt it was throwing a lot of "!", and the end game stats were confusing me, so I dug a bit deeper.
• Displegit deomp, mar-plij, ar pezh ho poa c'hoant d'ober, ar pezh ho peus graet hag ar pezh a zo c'hoarvezet 'benn ar fin
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v123
• Mar-plij, eilit/pegit an destenn e Saozneg ha n'eo ket en ho yezh. M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.
The end of game statistics are wrong, and misleading.
I carefully tracked one such game - this table.
At the end of the race, My tracking should:
The game reports these values:
# of 1! dice rolled: 49
# of 1! dice failed: 8
# of 2! dice rolled: 29
# of 2! dice failed: 10
However, I tracked my rolls very carefully, and triple checked the results compared to the game log:
the values should be:
# of 1! dice rolled: 44
# of 1! dice failed: 9
# of 2! dice rolled: 26
# of 2! dice failed: 11
It seems it counts the dice that are "secured" as being rolled - which is misleading for statistics.
It also isn't counting the failures correctly, Seems it's reducing the # of failures by 1 for some reason.
The game reports :
1! % thrown: 16.3265%
2! % thrown: 34.4828%
which is pretty close to expected values .. however, in reality, this particular game should be:
1! % thrown: 20.45%
2! % thrown: 42.31%
I felt it was throwing a lot of "!", and the end game stats were confusing me, so I dug a bit deeper.
• Ha dibres eo an destenn-mañ er sistem treiñ? Ma ya, daoust ha troet eo bet ouzhpenn 24 eur 'zo ?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v123
• Displegit ho kinnig mar-plij, e berrgomzoù met en un doare resis, evit ma vefe an aesañ posupl kompren mat ar pezh ho peus c'hoant lâret.
The end of game statistics are wrong, and misleading.
I carefully tracked one such game - this table.
At the end of the race, My tracking should:
The game reports these values:
# of 1! dice rolled: 49
# of 1! dice failed: 8
# of 2! dice rolled: 29
# of 2! dice failed: 10
However, I tracked my rolls very carefully, and triple checked the results compared to the game log:
the values should be:
# of 1! dice rolled: 44
# of 1! dice failed: 9
# of 2! dice rolled: 26
# of 2! dice failed: 11
It seems it counts the dice that are "secured" as being rolled - which is misleading for statistics.
It also isn't counting the failures correctly, Seems it's reducing the # of failures by 1 for some reason.
The game reports :
1! % thrown: 16.3265%
2! % thrown: 34.4828%
which is pretty close to expected values .. however, in reality, this particular game should be:
1! % thrown: 20.45%
2! % thrown: 42.31%
I felt it was throwing a lot of "!", and the end game stats were confusing me, so I dug a bit deeper.
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v123
• What was displayed on the screen when you were blocked (Blank screen? Part of the game interface? Error message?)
The end of game statistics are wrong, and misleading.
I carefully tracked one such game - this table.
At the end of the race, My tracking should:
The game reports these values:
# of 1! dice rolled: 49
# of 1! dice failed: 8
# of 2! dice rolled: 29
# of 2! dice failed: 10
However, I tracked my rolls very carefully, and triple checked the results compared to the game log:
the values should be:
# of 1! dice rolled: 44
# of 1! dice failed: 9
# of 2! dice rolled: 26
# of 2! dice failed: 11
It seems it counts the dice that are "secured" as being rolled - which is misleading for statistics.
It also isn't counting the failures correctly, Seems it's reducing the # of failures by 1 for some reason.
The game reports :
1! % thrown: 16.3265%
2! % thrown: 34.4828%
which is pretty close to expected values .. however, in reality, this particular game should be:
1! % thrown: 20.45%
2! % thrown: 42.31%
I felt it was throwing a lot of "!", and the end game stats were confusing me, so I dug a bit deeper.
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v123
• Which part of the rules was not respected by the BGA adaptation
The end of game statistics are wrong, and misleading.
I carefully tracked one such game - this table.
At the end of the race, My tracking should:
The game reports these values:
# of 1! dice rolled: 49
# of 1! dice failed: 8
# of 2! dice rolled: 29
# of 2! dice failed: 10
However, I tracked my rolls very carefully, and triple checked the results compared to the game log:
the values should be:
# of 1! dice rolled: 44
# of 1! dice failed: 9
# of 2! dice rolled: 26
# of 2! dice failed: 11
It seems it counts the dice that are "secured" as being rolled - which is misleading for statistics.
It also isn't counting the failures correctly, Seems it's reducing the # of failures by 1 for some reason.
The game reports :
1! % thrown: 16.3265%
2! % thrown: 34.4828%
which is pretty close to expected values .. however, in reality, this particular game should be:
1! % thrown: 20.45%
2! % thrown: 42.31%
I felt it was throwing a lot of "!", and the end game stats were confusing me, so I dug a bit deeper.
• Ha posupl eo gwelet torridigezh ar reolenn e replay ar bartienn ? Ma 'z eo ya, da be niverenn taol ?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v123
• Peseurt taol ho peus c'hoant c'hoari ?
The end of game statistics are wrong, and misleading.
I carefully tracked one such game - this table.
At the end of the race, My tracking should:
The game reports these values:
# of 1! dice rolled: 49
# of 1! dice failed: 8
# of 2! dice rolled: 29
# of 2! dice failed: 10
However, I tracked my rolls very carefully, and triple checked the results compared to the game log:
the values should be:
# of 1! dice rolled: 44
# of 1! dice failed: 9
# of 2! dice rolled: 26
# of 2! dice failed: 11
It seems it counts the dice that are "secured" as being rolled - which is misleading for statistics.
It also isn't counting the failures correctly, Seems it's reducing the # of failures by 1 for some reason.
The game reports :
1! % thrown: 16.3265%
2! % thrown: 34.4828%
which is pretty close to expected values .. however, in reality, this particular game should be:
1! % thrown: 20.45%
2! % thrown: 42.31%
I felt it was throwing a lot of "!", and the end game stats were confusing me, so I dug a bit deeper.
• Petra emaoc'h o klask ober evit delankañ an ober c'hoari-mañ ?
• What happened when you try to do this (error message, game status bar message, ...)?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v123
• Da be bazenn ar bartienn eo en em gavet ar gudenn (petra oa testenn kemenn ar c'hoari) ?
The end of game statistics are wrong, and misleading.
I carefully tracked one such game - this table.
At the end of the race, My tracking should:
The game reports these values:
# of 1! dice rolled: 49
# of 1! dice failed: 8
# of 2! dice rolled: 29
# of 2! dice failed: 10
However, I tracked my rolls very carefully, and triple checked the results compared to the game log:
the values should be:
# of 1! dice rolled: 44
# of 1! dice failed: 9
# of 2! dice rolled: 26
# of 2! dice failed: 11
It seems it counts the dice that are "secured" as being rolled - which is misleading for statistics.
It also isn't counting the failures correctly, Seems it's reducing the # of failures by 1 for some reason.
The game reports :
1! % thrown: 16.3265%
2! % thrown: 34.4828%
which is pretty close to expected values .. however, in reality, this particular game should be:
1! % thrown: 20.45%
2! % thrown: 42.31%
I felt it was throwing a lot of "!", and the end game stats were confusing me, so I dug a bit deeper.
• What happened when you try to do a game action (error message, game status bar message, ...)?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v123
• Mar-plij, diskrivit kudenn an diskwel. M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.
The end of game statistics are wrong, and misleading.
I carefully tracked one such game - this table.
At the end of the race, My tracking should:
The game reports these values:
# of 1! dice rolled: 49
# of 1! dice failed: 8
# of 2! dice rolled: 29
# of 2! dice failed: 10
However, I tracked my rolls very carefully, and triple checked the results compared to the game log:
the values should be:
# of 1! dice rolled: 44
# of 1! dice failed: 9
# of 2! dice rolled: 26
# of 2! dice failed: 11
It seems it counts the dice that are "secured" as being rolled - which is misleading for statistics.
It also isn't counting the failures correctly, Seems it's reducing the # of failures by 1 for some reason.
The game reports :
1! % thrown: 16.3265%
2! % thrown: 34.4828%
which is pretty close to expected values .. however, in reality, this particular game should be:
1! % thrown: 20.45%
2! % thrown: 42.31%
I felt it was throwing a lot of "!", and the end game stats were confusing me, so I dug a bit deeper.
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v123
• Mar-plij, eilit/pegit an destenn e Saozneg ha n'eo ket en ho yezh. M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.
The end of game statistics are wrong, and misleading.
I carefully tracked one such game - this table.
At the end of the race, My tracking should:
The game reports these values:
# of 1! dice rolled: 49
# of 1! dice failed: 8
# of 2! dice rolled: 29
# of 2! dice failed: 10
However, I tracked my rolls very carefully, and triple checked the results compared to the game log:
the values should be:
# of 1! dice rolled: 44
# of 1! dice failed: 9
# of 2! dice rolled: 26
# of 2! dice failed: 11
It seems it counts the dice that are "secured" as being rolled - which is misleading for statistics.
It also isn't counting the failures correctly, Seems it's reducing the # of failures by 1 for some reason.
The game reports :
1! % thrown: 16.3265%
2! % thrown: 34.4828%
which is pretty close to expected values .. however, in reality, this particular game should be:
1! % thrown: 20.45%
2! % thrown: 42.31%
I felt it was throwing a lot of "!", and the end game stats were confusing me, so I dug a bit deeper.
• Ha dibres eo an destenn-mañ er sistem treiñ? Ma ya, daoust ha troet eo bet ouzhpenn 24 eur 'zo ?
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v123
• Displegit ho kinnig mar-plij, e berrgomzoù met en un doare resis, evit ma vefe an aesañ posupl kompren mat ar pezh ho peus c'hoant lâret.
The end of game statistics are wrong, and misleading.
I carefully tracked one such game - this table.
At the end of the race, My tracking should:
The game reports these values:
# of 1! dice rolled: 49
# of 1! dice failed: 8
# of 2! dice rolled: 29
# of 2! dice failed: 10
However, I tracked my rolls very carefully, and triple checked the results compared to the game log:
the values should be:
# of 1! dice rolled: 44
# of 1! dice failed: 9
# of 2! dice rolled: 26
# of 2! dice failed: 11
It seems it counts the dice that are "secured" as being rolled - which is misleading for statistics.
It also isn't counting the failures correctly, Seems it's reducing the # of failures by 1 for some reason.
The game reports :
1! % thrown: 16.3265%
2! % thrown: 34.4828%
which is pretty close to expected values .. however, in reality, this particular game should be:
1! % thrown: 20.45%
2! % thrown: 42.31%
I felt it was throwing a lot of "!", and the end game stats were confusing me, so I dug a bit deeper.
• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Google Chrome v123
Roll-istor an danevelloù bog
Turn 1: 12www3 (!: 2 )
# of 1! dice rolled: 5
# of 1! dice failed: 1 (the 2nd gear failed)
# of 2! dice rolled: 1
# of 2! dice failed: 0
Turn 2: 1r23w4ww (!: rw )
# of 1! dice rolled: 5 ( 10 )
# of 1! dice failed: 1 ( 2 ) (one white die failed)
# of 2! dice rolled: 3 ( 4 )
# of 2! dice failed: 1 ( 1 ) (one red die failed)
Turn 3: 1rrw (!: rrw )
# of 1! dice rolled: 2 ( 12 )
# of 1! dice failed: 1 ( 3 )
# of 2! dice rolled: 2 ( 6 )
# of 2! dice failed: 2 ( 3 )
Turn 4: 123ww4w (!: 13w4 )
# of 1! dice rolled: 5 ( 17 )
# of 1! dice failed: 2 ( 5 )
# of 2! dice rolled: 2 ( 8 )
# of 2! dice failed: 2 ( 5 )
Turn 5: 234rr1www (!: 3r )
# of 1! dice rolled: 5 ( 22 )
# of 1! dice failed: 0 ( 5 )
# of 2! dice rolled: 4 ( 12 )
# of 2! dice failed: 2 ( 7 )
Turn 6: 1www234 (!: w )
# of 1! dice rolled: 5 ( 27 )
# of 1! dice failed: 1 ( 6 )
# of 2! dice rolled: 2 ( 14 )
# of 2! dice failed: 0 ( 7 )
Turn 7: 1rr234ww (!: 34 ) (Sec: w)
# of 1! dice rolled: 3 ( 30 ) *Rolled: 12w (the 2nd w was secured; not rolled)
# of 1! dice failed: 1 ( 7 )
# of 2! dice rolled: 2 ( 16 )
# of 2! dice failed: 2 ( 9 )
Turn 8: 4321www (!: - )
# of 1! dice rolled: 5 ( 35 )
# of 1! dice failed: 0 ( 7 )
# of 2! dice rolled: 2 ( 18 )
# of 2! dice failed: 0 ( 9 )
Turn 9: 2w341rrww (!: - )
# of 1! dice rolled: 5 ( 40 )
# of 1! dice failed: 0 ( 7 )
# of 2! dice rolled: 4 ( 22 )
# of 2! dice failed: 0 ( 9 )
Turn 10: 1234w (!: 1w )
# of 1! dice rolled: 3 ( 43 )
# of 1! dice failed: 2 ( 9 )
# of 2! dice rolled: 2 ( 24 )
# of 2! dice failed: 0 ( 9 )
Turn 11: 1rr234www (!: 34 ) (Sec: 1rrwww)
# of 1! dice rolled: 1 ( 44 ) *Rolled: 2nd gear die only. others were secured.
# of 1! dice failed: 0 ( 9 )
# of 2! dice rolled: 2 ( 26 ) *Rolled: 3 and 4 - two red were secured.
# of 2! dice failed: 2 ( 11 )
Here's google sheet to help track/count the values if you're interested in checking yourself.
Table: 495925712
Norisring map, GT6.
I played simple and very safe, generated lightning bolts, and used those to secure as many rolls as I could.
It's clear the game is counting secured dice as "rolled" .. and that will skew statistics greatly ..
The shared google sheet in previous also has a tab for this game.
in game stats reports 23 1! dice rolled, but I secured two 1's. so should only be 21 rolled.
It also reports 16 2!, but should be 11, as I secured a 5,6 and 3x Red dice along the way.
As a result of this, the in game statistics are VERY generous .. reporting much lower %'s of "!" thrown than what is actually happening.
Very misleading.
Ouzhpennañ un dra bennak d'an danevell-mañ
- Niverenn taol all / Niverenn ar fiñv
- Ha renket eo bet ar gudenn gant an douchenn F5 ?
- Ha c'hoarvezet eo ar gudenn meur a wech ? Bewech ? Cheñch-dicheñch ?
- M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij Imgur.com evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.