An holl danevelloù
perfectwords_displayed danevelloù bog
#102230: "Return of the joint endgame"
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Petra a zo c'hoarvezet ? Trugarez evit dibab amañ dindan
Kinnig : d'am soñj e c'hellfe kement-se gwellaat a galz emplementadur ar c'hoari
Deskrivadur dre ar munud
• Displegit ho kinnig mar-plij, e berrgomzoù met en un doare resis, evit ma vefe an aesañ posupl kompren mat ar pezh ho peus c'hoant lâret.
When the game was released, the last two phases "double or nothing" and "validation" were played together, as it should be in this kind of games. But it seems to have changed recently, now one player alone decides on these last two phases and the others only find out in the "finished games section" what the other players have written and to which ending this led. Thus depriving the players of the pleasure of resolving and deciding together, after the first two phases were played virtually every man for himself. THIS REDUCED THE GAME FUN ENORMOUSLY, slips thereby in BGG ranking spoken for me from 9 to 5. For others as well as you can read in the game forum.
PLEASE RESTORE THE OLD STATE OF DECIDING AND DISCUSSING TOGETHER, so that it is fun again, thank you. OR MAKE IT AT LEAST AN OPTION as I understand that some players may prefer the faster 'one player decides aka less fun' version.
The most sensible option would MAYBE A 'MAJORITY DECIDES after all players have had at least 2 turns OPTION' in the 'double or nothing' and in the validation phase.• Peseurt merdeer eo hoc'h hini ?
Mozilla v5
Roll-istor an danevelloù bog
25. Her 2023 8:14 •
mindnektar • This suggestion has not been analyzed by delopers yet:
21. Du 2023 12:00 • i completely agree, the game just ended for me out of the blue with no conclusion. there's not even a "view final situation" button, i had to go to the game replay and manually jump to the end of the game to see what words the other players picked. that was super unsatisfying.
Ouzhpennañ un dra bennak d'an danevell-mañ
Ouzhpennit amañ mar-plij, tout ar pezh a c'hellfe bezañ talvoudus evit ma c'hellfemp dreveziñ ar bog-mañ pe kompren ho kinnig:
- Niverenn taol all / Niverenn ar fiñv
- Ha renket eo bet ar gudenn gant an douchenn F5 ?
- Ha c'hoarvezet eo ar gudenn meur a wech ? Bewech ? Cheñch-dicheñch ?
- M'ho peus un dapadenn skramm eus ar gudenn (ho pezit soñj d'eus se !), gellout a rit implij evit e bellgargañ hag eilañ/pegañ al liamm amañ.